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cbps t1_iyktl1c wrote

That's a migrating American woodcock that likely hit a window and is concussed. If you are able, tuck the little guy in a paper grocery bag, and do nothing except leave the bag undisturbed in a quiet place overnight. In the morning, drop him off at the Wild Bird Fund at 565 Columbus Ave.

Unfortunately, birds that strike windows tend to fly off and then later die from inflammation. Rehabillitators can administer anti-inflammatory medication to stave off worst of the swelling and give it a fighting chance.


GreenTunicKirk OP t1_iyl0hci wrote

Oh no, I’m not able to. I had to catch the PATH and wasn’t sure if I should take the little guy with me. I made sure he was set up next to a little patch for some coverage if he needed it - but now I feel awful!!!

Folks if you see this and can help, please do it 🙏


cerephic t1_iylef2o wrote

no - because when they shake off the shock from the concussion, they're going to panic, and hurt themselves badly flying around to get away from you. a paper bag (with the top folded closed) is stiff enough to punch holes so air can get in, but soft enough to not let them hurt themselves further. paper bags are excellent, disposable, dark and cozy transport containers.

also, birds poop. So it's great to be able to toss the paper bag away afterwards.

When I've picked up concussed or injured birds to take them to Wild Bird Fund, I've begged a paper bag off the hotdog stand operators, if I didn't have one folded up in my laptop bag. Toss them a quarter or whatever for it, because I'm grateful, and I'm sure they're grateful the crazy woman is now walking away with this pigeon I'm holding in my hand, lol.


satyrnretyrn t1_iymodn4 wrote

Thanks so much for providing this information! A couple of years ago I had a sad, unsuccessful experience with trying to aid an injured bird. I’m going to start traveling along with one of those paper bags from Trader Joe’s in my bag, inscribed with the address and hours of Wild Bird Fund (565 Columbus Ave, north of 87th, 9AM -7PM, 7 days a week). Oh, and add the my list of benefactions, should I ever hit Poweball…


brighttobrighter t1_iyn7n7t wrote

Thanks for sharing that! I wanted to help a wounded pigeon in Central Park one time, but I had no idea what to do except point it out to the park employees who probably didn't end up doing anything.