notahugeredditfan t1_j1s3fhn wrote
I’m not sure you understand how much money and time it takes to create and extend this infrastructure. You have to create everything to meet peak demand, which is the time when everyone and everything demands electricity - usually in the afternoon or evening. We are already net short of gas, renewables are inconsistent until we have batteries, and so there are rolling blackouts or forced blackouts in some areas. You’re right that there will be massive change in technology, but it has to be incentivized the right way - subsidies will just ensure that things are created, not that they are created in a sustainable way and to meet cost structures for cheap power to consumers, and profits to energy companies. There needs to be a policy to increase electrical generation and then a policy to make the distribution more consistent - incentivize investment while restricting monopolies. That needs to be in place before we count on innovation and change, because there are many unknowns.
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