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elizabeth-cooper t1_j1n13ez wrote

She hasn't even been convicted yet. It's fair enough to say that a police officer shouldn't be married to a felon, but so far it's just a charge.


Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j1n8d03 wrote

Well she wasn’t a felon when they got married. It’s unfair to fire him not for not divorcing her.


sunflowercompass t1_j1nh9ek wrote

Funny how the bail reform opponents are all suddenly "innocent before proven guilty" when it's the right people being charged.


Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j1njl97 wrote

Nah she’s still going to prison. But I wouldn’t be surprised if she withheld knowledge of the money. People hide some crazy shit from their spouses


ccai t1_j1ng8fr wrote

He is supposed to uphold the law, I highly doubt he didn't know she was committing fraud on a large scale. If he's willing to overlook that, there's plenty he's willing to overlook as well and therefore failing to do his job - uphold the damn law.