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Gohanto t1_j1msko5 wrote

“In January 2020, De Vouno was docked five vacation days after he was accused of using his aerial talents to fly an NYPD spy plane in a penis-shaped route to send a message to a supervisor he was angry at.”

Not the point of the article but this is still hilarious.


astrashe2 t1_j1n0mt6 wrote

I'm not completely certain that I remember the story correctly. But the city had told employees that they had to get vaccinated in order to keep their jobs. A lot of people, including many police officers, paid this guy's wife for cards that said they had been vaccinated when they hadn't.

I don't have any knowledge that this is what happened, but at the time, I thought that it seemed possible or likely that he, as a member of the NYPD, was bringing in the customers, and she, as a health care professional, was generating the cards.


my_metrocard t1_j1n0neb wrote

Even if he wasn’t involved in the scheme, he had to have noticed something was amiss when there was an extra $1.5M floating around.


PandaJ108 t1_j1n1xio wrote

No, he essentially was regulated to desk duty since January (when wife was arrested) until he retired in August. He can’t associate with felons. If she is convicted either he and her better move out. But being regulated to desk duty in the as the process plays out seems fair. Though clearly he disagrees.


PaperbagWriter__ t1_j1n3szf wrote

He didn’t get fired, he was consigned to desk duty. To my mind if the guys wife was involved in a $1.5m fraud it’s reasonable to question whether he had any involvement or just knew about it (that much money coming into the household and you don’t know?) and desk duty while you find out seems reasonable.


_Maxolotl t1_j1n46h1 wrote

Good. And it's not enough. They made a lot of those fake vax cards.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j1n6bgl wrote

Sure, he's not going to know anything about the 1.5 million in cash coming into the house... /s

That's a huge pile of bills, even if they were all 20$ that's still 75,000 of them.


ccai t1_j1ng8fr wrote

He is supposed to uphold the law, I highly doubt he didn't know she was committing fraud on a large scale. If he's willing to overlook that, there's plenty he's willing to overlook as well and therefore failing to do his job - uphold the damn law.


RepresentativeAge444 t1_j1nnvxc wrote

A lot of the comments under the article at the NYPost site are brain melting. What a cesspool of ignorance.


brianvan t1_j1nqpod wrote

When you are a newspaper that writes everything toward the point of view of cops from Long Island, desk duty is a public square castration. I thought the Constitution forbade cruel and unusual punishment! They shoulda just docked him 2 vacation days like any other cop who beats to death a misdemeanor suspect


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j1ns9jt wrote

To be fair: there was a lot of fake vaccine crap in NYC. Likely accounting for most if not all of the higher than average vaccination rate.

Everyone knows a pharmacist who would inject into a garbage can and give you a card for a small fee. Dose was used, paperwork followed. Literally no way to catch this happening unless someone got greedy.


King9WillReturn t1_j1nsqgj wrote

>did not stop the transfer of COVID

This shows that you are completely full of shit. ^It never claimed that it would stop the transfer. Just that your odds of dying or filling the hospital would be greatly diminished. Maybe stop spreading bullshit Fox News/Trump/GQP talking points? It's been three years. You could have educated yourself by now.


StrngBrew t1_j1nw8hx wrote

She owns a healthcare facility

> Julie De Vuono, owner of Wild Child Pediatric Healthcare in Amityville, was charged with forgery and offering a false instrument for filing, a felony. after she allegedly used her Long Island medical center to make $1.5 million by selling fake vaccine cards.


freeradicalx t1_j1nxc02 wrote

For scanning ships near the harbor for radiological weapons... Huh. Seems like something the navy or coast guard would be better suited for. Not that it doesn't seem like an important task but definitely not something I'm comfortable giving cops planes for, and the article illustrates why.


builtfromthetop t1_j1o1mpt wrote

Ah yes, probably the same type of guy who says to just "obey the law!"


Refreshingpudding t1_j1o6ifw wrote

I don't know one but they busted a bunch. It is fair to assume there were a lot more that were not busted

Fun fact about the NYC vaccine database. When you log in it tells you it's illegal to use it for purposes of verifying employee vaccination status. The message was not there at the start of the pandemic.


ccai t1_j1o6ogv wrote

Thorough investigations also need to be done on the individuals who got vaccinated there. I'm willing to bet good money plenty of his buddies on the NYPD and nearby forces went there for fake cards. Fire and charge any of the officers that won't get a "booster" (probably first actual dose for many) from a highly monitored facility. They are just as complicit in the fraud and anyone of them who actually got the vaccines shouldn't have any issue with it.


bittoxic00 t1_j1o9xpa wrote

I’m amazed they denied him retirement benefits


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j1ohzqz wrote

Nope. But everyone I know has a family member, friends and coworkers who had the hookup.

Anyone who wanted a vaccine card but didn’t want to get vaccinated had the option.

Which is more reason to not have sympathy for anyone who lost their job for not getting vaccinated. They did it purely as a political stance. Fuck em.


NatLawson t1_j1or52y wrote

So we are supposed to believe you did not profit and were unaware and you did not promote any part of the fraud of your wife's medical business?

Prosecution rests, your honor.


AirlockBebop t1_j1ovjln wrote

My niece in Cleveland died on the 9th of December of Covid related pneumonia. Big thanksgiving dinner and everyone got sick. I’m so tired of hearing it isn’t real. Feel free to have an opinion about the fraud doctor but please enough is enough is enough about Covid.


sonofaresiii t1_j1owo0m wrote

I think the reaction is more about why a city police force, even the NYPD, has a $4m spy plane.

The article doesn't really answer that question besides an off-hand mention about counterterrorism

which leaves me with the same question as the other guy: Why the hell does the NYPD have a $4m spy plane? Why are they running counter terrorism operations that requires a $4m spy plane, and what exactly are these counter terrorism operations?

This seems like a job for the feds. (And the article does say the feds paid for it, so I'm trying to connect some dots here and guess that maybe the NYPD had better resources in place so it was easier for the feds to just supplement that and hand off the operations to NYPD, but again... why? Why is the NYPD already better equipped to handle counter-terrorism than any federal agency?)


30gorillas t1_j1p5kam wrote

i am sorry for being that guy but the word you are looking for is relegated. to relegate is to consign or dismiss to an inferior rank or position. to regulate is to control or supervise by means of rules.


MaroonSiesLessUno t1_j1p7zx3 wrote

Nothing a little tracing can’t solve to determine whether he used any of the 1.5M in proceeds


aced124C t1_j1p93lj wrote

Ohhh yeah plenty of them have fully brought into the yellow journalism that is the NYpost and some of them have been swimming in that cesspool for a verryyy long time lol Its a perfect echo chamber when you have people in closed of social groups with nice cushy sometimes union jobs (This part kills me the most, as a long time activist/member) that also watch Fox News.


aced124C t1_j1p9vor wrote

When they're on the job and there's a chance you got a cell phone in your pocket recording a civilian interaction that's absolutely whats going to be said or implied in some way. Rules for thee not for me or however it goes lol its the worst when you have family friends that entirely approve of or joke about stuff like this in the profession. Though as a fellow islander I'm sure you have probably seen this already


ZeBridgeIsOut5 t1_j1pbic8 wrote

I dunno, I think that seems like the common American cultural oversimplification that letting feds do stuff is automatically wrong.

Dozens of countries probably federally patrol their water borders perfectly well. Americans just often assume state and local control is better, even if it often isn't any more efficient or effective.

Often in stuff like this the city and state are forced to share responsibility because the feds are wildly and purposefully underfunded.


thatgirlinny t1_j1pjz3n wrote

I never sais I’m operating on an assumption that all Fed depts are inadequate; this is about both complementary and differing skill sets and priorities.

We need NYPD to have marine capabilities for myriad practical reasons. Bridge jumpers, accidental drownings, local crime investigations where perps involved the waterways? Local wins, and likely has a lower cost-per-investigation price than a Fed agency, who lack the relationships with other municipal resources to solve crimes, find a missing person, etc.

Ships registered to other countries in these waters? Large-scale rescues at sea? Fed agencies should handle with cooperation of NYPD Marine units.


hjablowme919 t1_j1pt68t wrote

Note: she was handing out phony vaccines cards to… members of the NYPD, among others. Her husband was absolutely involved.


BxGyrl416 t1_j1pteuu wrote

A cop married to a woman committing vaccination fraud. Nooo. What are the chances of that? /s


Big_Game_Huntr t1_j1pxio2 wrote

Amazing to me how many people on this thread hate the fact that NYPD has a airplane for counterterrorism efforts…. Instead of thinking that there couldn’t be enough of those in the air.


InterscholasticPea t1_j1q169i wrote

It’s funny the comments in NYPosts are completely opposite polar of the sentiments here.


ccai t1_j1q2999 wrote

Anyone who genuinely thought they got the vaccine will likely want to be replaced the shot they weren't given. Boosters are a thing and according to actual science do work.

Anyone, especially any LEOs who faked it and is unwilling to get the shot again is likely a complicit piece of crap who committed fraud who should be fired and prosecuted. You can't 100% prove they didn't get it at the time of receiving the card, but if they aren't willing to get the vaccine again on record is pretty much guaranteed to have faked it in the first place and need to be purged out.


ccai t1_j1q5i8q wrote

You'd be surprised. When I graduated I worked a weekend job at a Tribeca pharmacy to help pay back my loans as quickly as possible. The owner and pharmacist were 100% pill mills dispensing ridiculous amounts of amphetamines to their patients.

I had a couple of people come in for refills of Adderall XR 20mg after already receiving 15-18 months worth in about an 8 month span, some people on Vyvanse 50mg, 60mg, 70mg at the same time every single month. All had ridiculous documentation like lost or damaged doses in the system. I always refused to refill for those individuals and had them come back on a weekday when the owner and other pharmacist were around. Some don't give a shit and do it for a quick buck. After I saw it wasn't some one time fluke aka 3 patients in a single day trying to pull that shit with the tech confirming it wasn't abnormal, I immediately quit. I didn't want to risk my license, but apparently the supervising pharmacist was willing to do it. If they're willing to fuck with the DEA in plain sight as that info is recorded upon dispensing via PMP reporting databases, I doubt they cared about actually dispensing the vaccine if it made them great money doing so. You'll more likely see it among small independents, rather than CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid and the bunch.

And at my last pharmacist job before I made a career change, one of the silent partners at the independent heavily suggested I should start 'giving out the vaccine'. I readily refused and didn't hold a vaccination certification anyway so that ended the conversation real quick. While my friends and I wouldn't risk it I'm not too sure about every pharmacist as plenty have been caught fraudulently dispensing high dollar medications (4-5 figures/month) and not even bothering to order it nor inform the patients of the medication. At some point some Chinatown pharmacies were handing out HDTVs in exchange for a 3-6 month prescription of whatever high reimbursement cream was for the given months and other unethical highly illegal fraud.

It's a fucked up world out there right now with some of the shittiest reimbursement rates to date with PBMs working hard to steal the business themselves and keep a bigger share of the profits by switching people to in-house mail order. Keeping an independent pharmacy open with 100% legit business is ridiculously difficult without massive volumes, so a promising income stream with minimal work will attract the attention of the unscrupulous.

If you work in the field, you realize it's a small world... Even if you are in the company of decent people, word travels about shit like this.


DidjaNotice t1_j1srq65 wrote

Ultra-naive of anyone to imagine there aren’t invisible planes & drones flying above us to collect data and surveil 😆😆😆