JBMPropertyMgmtLLC t1_iyqzk45 wrote
“Stunning” is a bit generous
ahabneck t1_iyr1i70 wrote
"Standard" is more apt
TeamMisha t1_iyrbe2l wrote
I mean compare this to Penn (pre current renovations) or any unremodeled subway station and it's stunning to me lol. I like the brightness and white flooring over the grey they use at some other newer station remodels too
HahaYesVery t1_iyrg7no wrote
This is scribbling on the wall converted to mosaic. Why can’t they just commission from someone who actually wants to make something appealing to the eye?
[deleted] t1_iyrnrjk wrote
Detroitbart t1_iyrv9gg wrote
I think it looks nice!
itsallthesamejames t1_iyt65i0 wrote
It was probably stunning when it was first designed. But that was several trend cycles ago.
donttouchthirdrail t1_iytki2k wrote
It looks fine I guess
ooouroboros t1_iyx38x3 wrote
Maybe it looks better in person
King-of-New-York OP t1_iyqerxy wrote
The new station does look nice although Botticino would have been a better choice than “pearl white” marble.