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nim_opet t1_j2eq7er wrote

He’s just never gonna stop lying is he? Which makes him perfect as a GOP Congressmen


Guypussy t1_j2ernoo wrote

This guy is about a week from figuring out he can sweep all this shit under the rug by claiming he has a legit personality disorder (which he very well might).


ketzal7 t1_j2et1ov wrote

At this point we can have 365 days of a different lie lol.


garebear79 t1_j2etykt wrote

And also, his wife is Morgan Fairchild. Yeah, that’s the ticket…


schrod t1_j2euyj6 wrote

I am waiting for him to declare that running was a joke to show how easily people fall for republican false claims and now that he has actually won he will vote against everything they stand for.


mikey-likes_it t1_j2ewv2s wrote

Dude has built up multiple lifetimes worth of bad karma


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j2f2wu2 wrote

Would it be bad to run a contest to see who can get him to tell the most outrageous lie? Like people ask him questions to get him to lie. Then we put them all on a list and let people vote for the most insane one.

I think I might be able to work a question in which he talks about when he walked on the moon and reflected on life.

Maybe can get a sponsor, then donate some money to some bipolar research fund or something.


BriskEagle t1_j2f4g6x wrote

This SOB needs to go. Maybe he’s said all this stuff because his brain is messed up after all.


Sun_Devilish t1_j2f6nom wrote

If he were a Democrat, all of his lies would be swept under the carpet.

Vote Republican, cause its the only way the Marxist Socialist Media will hold a candidate's feet to the fire.


Smitten130 t1_j2f8dt3 wrote

Dude… what? American media is literally owned by a handful of billionaires; the media is as pro corporate and liberal as they come. I can’t tell if you’re trolling or if your brain has begun to rot.


Bralesslover t1_j2f9qja wrote

This guy graduated from the Trump University School of Truth.


PZeroNero t1_j2fadqs wrote

Can we just have a mega ride for this idiot and his lies


cabose7 t1_j2fb6gi wrote

We're a week away from him blaming all this on his evil left handed twin


MathDeacon t1_j2fbvsq wrote

He was also King of England. Just ask him he will tell you


zsreport t1_j2feb31 wrote

Well, pathological lying is a possible symptom of certain personality disorders, including:

  • borderline personality disorder (BPD)
  • narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
  • antisocial personality disorder (APD)

GettingPhysicl t1_j2feypk wrote


"sir thats just your brain"

Don't be racist im afro-latino


jyar1811 t1_j2ffnnh wrote

He built a large bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan


RyVsWorld t1_j2fgzzt wrote

Yea even though all this has been coming out and the few investigations have been announced, I’m still not convinced this guy will face consequences. The last few years have left me too jaded


urbantroll t1_j2fjrxh wrote

Someone needs to start tracking all the false claims. I can’t even keep up at this point.


bullymeahhh t1_j2fljh0 wrote

  1. He's half black
  2. 9/11 killed his mom (but then tweeted in December 2021 she died 5 years earlier)
  3. Grandparents survived Nazi persecution
  4. Working for Goldman Sachs and Citi
  5. Graduated from Baruch

There are definitely others, but those are the ones I've seen.


chengjih t1_j2fn03e wrote

Writing prompt: you are an immortal being who has been alive since the Middle Ages, because of a wager between Death and her brother. You have lived many lifetimes under different guises, sometimes coming back as your own son, to keep your immortality a secret. These different life stories have gotten more difficult to keep track of, over these long centuries. You decide to run for public office on a whim, not realizing how deeply some reporters may delve into your fabricated background.


Refreshingpudding t1_j2fos14 wrote

Wait a week his high school friends are gonna come up and share stories about him


my_metrocard t1_j2fp7nc wrote

Is that his excuse for all the lies? The tumor made him do it?


Refreshingpudding t1_j2fq0z3 wrote

Maybe if he's convicted. Maybe then they will impeach him. The real answer is they will do whatever makes the smallest splash pn the news. Which is probably to wait, normalize shit and wait for the next sex scandal or mass shooting


Henrychinaskismom1 t1_j2ftsjg wrote

Nice one. I like that one. Like using getting kidded napped after missing work. Brain tumor.


JaredSeth t1_j2fv4vq wrote

>the only way the Marxist Socialist Media will hold a candidate's feet to the fire

...he says, commenting on a story about a Republican candidate whose feet weren't held to the fire.