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PiffityPoffity t1_iz14svl wrote

What an asshole. His constituents elected him as a Democrat, and now he’s screwing them by making himself less effective by joining the powerless minority.


Army_of_blood t1_iz1og0d wrote

Switching parties should force a special election.


_Maxolotl t1_iz2tymc wrote

NYC should just have nonpartisan ranked choice elections like a bunch of big cities out west do. Politicians end up having to be a lot more clear about what their ideas are when they don't have a simple label to run on.


leanmeeter t1_iz2cdq3 wrote

They should appoint all democrats without elections


TonyzTone t1_iz2okft wrote

I’m not a fan of this but he (1) didn’t get any committee and (2) he’s gotten pretty shafted in redistricting. He’s making a basic calculation that caucusing as a Democrat isn’t helping him at all.

Either he stays a Dem and runs against Brennan in the primary, or runs as a Rep and maybe stands a chance.

He’s a sitting Council Member; he’ll still have discretionary funds.


[deleted] t1_iz2mhco wrote



leanmeeter t1_iz2e89h wrote

The dnc printed $8,000,000,000,000 dollars gave you $1,400 and the rest to their friends and left us with inflation


hau5keeping t1_iz2mwb0 wrote

1 billion, gagillion, fafillion, shabolubalu million illion yillion ... yen.