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t1_j1619ma wrote

The article supposes that right to repair will cause consumers to keep their phones on average for an additional year. Is there any research to support that aspect of this? It sounds like that could be an outcome of this, but I'd rather see something backing it up. Phone are often upgraded to get the latest thing, not because they stopped working, so to get to an average across all phone users of an additional year, you've actually got to be convincing a significant segment of the population to keep their phones for quite a bit longer. But I am very much willing to read any data/research on this.

Im sort of back and forth in my head about if doing this via a state law will be effective or not or if it would need federal backing to be successful. Would it have the eventual effect of something like the California emissions standards (tho that seems to have taken decades to get it finally uniformly accepted 1970-2022) or will they just sell lesser, right-to-repair versions of their phones to the relatively small subset of NY users who wouldn't just drive to NJ and buy the better one?