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Neefycane t1_j0rc16e wrote

“194 anti-jewish assaults since 2018”

There are 1.6 million jews living in nyc. If we do this for all races, it would be higher for other groups. The only difference is it wouldn’t be labeled as a “hate” crime. Well unless it’s an asian person. Only two groups have hate crime bills, asians & jews.

I would also like to know how many incidents happened this year. Since they say it’s an increase.


jay5627 t1_j0rikpc wrote

You can look at the data for yourself:

The first 3 quarters of 2022 had as many hate crimes against Jews as the whole 2021. The 194 number you referenced is the number of crimes the article claims to have looked into, not the number that has occurred.


Neefycane t1_j0risq8 wrote

So if all races experience “hate crimes”, why not create bills for everyone? Or is that reserved for those who should be a “protected class”? The point is, if anyone were to attack a jewish person for any reason, it would be labeled a hate crime, which isn’t necessarily the case for anyone else besides the two groups mentioned. I think any crime against another person is bad, hate or not btw.


Neefycane t1_j0rjgvg wrote

The explanations for a lot of the logs for Jews in specific state criminal mischief, which supposedly is placed for vandalism, but they’re saying it’s related to religious practice. A lot of these numbers are skewed.


Neefycane t1_j0rjok9 wrote

This bill is not the same as the ones made for asians & jews. This is a prevention unit. (Not suggesting I’m against it, but rather it’s not specific for each race as it is for the ones I’ve mentioned). Also Trump signed the bill for Jews (Good guy?) 🙂


Neefycane t1_j0rnnwd wrote

So was your comment in reply to other races not receiving bills specific to them? You’re suggesting because it covers all states, and not just nyc, that it means it’s meaningless? Here’s another bill.

And another…


IRequirePants t1_j0roaav wrote

> When you think of a hate crime, you think it’s physical before anything else.

No, vandalism is pretty common for anti-semitic hate crimes. Vandalizing Jewish cemeteries for example. Swastikas spray painted on Jewish places such as schools, synagogues etc.


jay5627 t1_j0royl7 wrote

Just because you do doesn't mean everyone does.

I don't know about you, but showing up to synagogue and seeing a swastika painted with the words 'die Jews' doesn't make me feel warm and cuddly on the inside


pk10534 t1_j0sxi6b wrote

“Americans Against Antisemitism has studied 194 anti-Jewish assaults and 135 property incidents in New York City since 2018 but can identify only two offenders who have been sentenced to prison”

If this is true, that’s really, really sad


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j0vtpkp wrote

>After a long month of attacks on Jews in New York City, the big guns held a symposium at a Manhattan synagogue Monday. One by one, Mayor Eric Adams, Gov. Kathy Hochul, Sen. Chuck Schumer and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas pledged to fight anti-Semitism. After blaming Donald Trump, Ms. Hochul announced a new hate-prevention initiative and vowed, “When you attack one of us, anyone, that is picking a fight with 20 million other New Yorkers, starting with your governor.”


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j0vts8b wrote

>Liberals love to fight hate, but I’d rather they punish crime. Americans Against Antisemitism has studied 194 anti-Jewish assaults and 135 property incidents in New York City since 2018 but can identify only two offenders who have been sentenced to prison. Others receive probation or counseling or their charges aren’t followed up. “There are practically no serious consequences to be had,” the group concludes in a July report.

>Examples abound: In May 2021, a Brooklyn man with an attempted-murder charge pending yelled “F—ing Jews! I’m going to f— you up” and punched a 67-year-old man in the head. He was arrested but hate-crime charges were dropped and he pleaded down to a misdemeanor.


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j0vtung wrote

>The New York Police Department reported 45 hate crimes against Jews in November, more than double the monthly figure from a year ago. It records 278 such crimes this year, up 53%, and 100 arrests, up 61%. Why don’t prosecutions and prison sentences follow? “I’ve asked the question for years with the DAs of the world, with legislators,” Rabbi David Niederman, a top Satmar Hasidic leader in Brooklyn, says in an interview. He gets no answer.

>This is the first blind spot in the war on hate. Determined to “end mass incarceration,” liberals have pulled back police, narrowed prosecutions, restricted cash bail, and gutted mandatory minimums. At the same time, liberals want to crack down on certain “bad” crimes, such as those motivated by hate. But the scholar James Q. Wilson showed long ago that criminals don’t really specialize. Just as substantial proportions of drug and property offenders go on to commit violent crimes, the majority of hate-crime offenders have prior, non-hate-related arrests.


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j0vu03y wrote

>The second blind spot is the victims. Israel Bitton, head of Americans Against Antisemitism, observes, “A lot of the secular Jews aren’t responding with the same alacrity they would if people started hitting heads of the United Jewish Appeal walking down Fifth Avenue.” Of the 194 anti-Jewish assaults his group has tracked, three-quarters were in four Brooklyn neighborhoods, and 184 of the victims were Orthodox Jews, identifiable by their dress. These are the Jews who can’t hide.

>Less-religious Jews were stunned by Kanye West’s anti-Semitic ravings in a way that Orthodox Jews could never be. For many of the latter, Louis Farrakhan -inspired Hitler talk and conspiracies are humdrum, the stuff of street abuse. “This is an experience of anti-Semitism,” says Rabbi Motti Seligson of Chabad-Lubavitch, a Brooklyn-based Hasidic movement, “that the rest of the Jewish community not only doesn’t experience but is completely oblivious to.”


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j0vu2p2 wrote

>The third blind spot is the perpetrators. Bill de Blasio, New York’s mayor from 2014-21, was hardly unique in speaking of the threat to Jews only from white supremacists. Yet the majority of anti-Jewish hate crimes in New York are committed by other minorities—blacks especially, but also Hispanics and Muslims. “These are inconvenient anti-Semites,” Mr. Bitton says. Liberals would rather stick to their story: Minorities are always victims of racism, never racists themselves.

>Meanwhile, surveys since the 1960s have shown that Jew-hatred in America is most prevalent among blacks. As traditional prejudices fused with radical separatist ideologies, anti-Semitism became part of the rhetoric of black politics and protest, the language not only of the street but of preachers and politicians, artists and intellectuals, imbuing criminal violence against Jews with spurious political significance.


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j0vu3wx wrote

>When, after a tragic car accident, black rioters in Crown Heights beat up any Jew they could find for three straight nights in 1991, and the Rev. Al Sharpton denounced the victims as “diamond merchants” who reaped what they had sown, liberals looked the other way. Mayor David Dinkins feigned ignorance. The New York Times fudged the story. They couldn’t face up to black violence and Jew-hatred or the costs of hamstringing law enforcement.

>Three decades later, the liberals who run New York are still looking away. That’s what makes them liberals.

>Nothing did so much to improve black-Jewish relations in Brooklyn as the general reduction in crime since the 1990s. But as shootings in New York more than doubled between 2019 and 2021, alongside a deterioration in public order, attacks on Jews surged. Until there are consequences for criminals, including the Jew-haters among them, why should anyone expect the attacks to subside?


WickhamAkimbo t1_j0z35ek wrote

It's a win according to the decarceration movement, and I can guarantee you that the people pushing decarceration don't give a single shit about Asian or Jewish victims.


pk10534 t1_j0zhlj1 wrote

I hate that violent crime is now wrapped up in that too. I understand that non-violent pot offenders probably don’t deserve years in prison, but I’m tired of the tears being shed for people who attack others. Especially when it’s a hate crime, which I thought my fellow progressives claimed to be so opposed to


Scroticus- t1_j10wvn5 wrote

Progressives don't take antisemitism seriously since most of these attacks are committed by other marginalized groups. If angry white guys were beating up 44 Jewish people a month, I'm sure they'd care a lot more.