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Myske1 t1_j24i11z wrote

Another crappy Gothamist article. Today, one of their bloggers looked at another website and summarized what they saw there. Local journalism is doomed.


Guypussy t1_j24kuqf wrote

> JFK and Newark Liberty airports were among the most miserable in the country on Wednesday morning as much of the country recovered from brutal weather over Christmas

I’d wager airports in areas actually pummeled by the blizzarnado were more miserable.


pk10534 t1_j266cot wrote

> More than two-dozen flights had been canceled at JFK and Newark in that same period.

I mean…is the cancellation of 12 flights per major airport really that terrible? Seems pretty decent for one of the busiest flight days of the year. I could be totally wrong, I don’t know track average cancellations per airport lol, but given Southwest’s meltdown, JFK and ERW seem to have gotten off relatively easy compared to southwest hubs like BWI, Midway, STL, etc.


PostPostMinimalist t1_j28qtj2 wrote

Well, I flew into Newark Wednesday and it was the most cluster fuck-y I’ve ever seen it.