GratefulDawg73 t1_iz6mtn9 wrote
Well, at least it's on record that he is the head of a criminal organization.
prisoner_007 t1_iz6z03w wrote
No, he wasn’t on trial. Only his corporation was.
wabashcanonball t1_iz72vly wrote
Tick tock! The House of Trump is beginning to implode.
[deleted] t1_iz768zs wrote
FineAunts t1_iz783m0 wrote
Was thinking we'd see a higher fine since it's an organization vs an individual, but it was only $1.7M
stork38 t1_iz7gh0f wrote
Any day now guys!!
allergat0r t1_iz7jvl2 wrote
Now you know why he wants to terminate the Constitution
mrchumblie t1_iz7ygea wrote
That’s ridiculous. The fines are worthless if they’re that small.
monkeysandmicrowaves t1_iz7zrs2 wrote
And now they're going to have to pay a fine that's probably a fraction of what they made from the fraud.
notsam57 t1_iz8528j wrote
the real damage isn’t the fine: But the collateral consequences may be more significant to Trump, who is seeking a second term in the White House. Banks could call in loans and business partners could cancel contracts if their internal policies prevent them from doing business with felons.
Remarkable-Peak-420 t1_iz87on8 wrote
We should go after all of them and get some sweet tax revenue from lawbreakers.
NDPhilly t1_iz8a12y wrote
They could, but they won't. Because this case was politically motivated. Awful precedent when this is rampant.
Remarkable-Peak-420 t1_iz8abwq wrote
If this is a start it's great news for clearing out this sort of rampant tax evasion in the city. Could pay to clean this place up!
hsbuilder t1_iz8b9dt wrote
How many politicians are doing the same thing
becauseicansowhynot t1_iz8bnh4 wrote
Are you advocating to not enforce the law because most, if not all, are breaking it?
T1mac t1_iz8eo4r wrote
"Crime is so high. But there are so many criminals, don't prosecute anyone." Is that your position?
Trump committed Felonies.
Felony tax evasion.
Felony bank fraud.
Felony insurance fraud.
Obstruction of justice.
Destruction of evidence.
But to MAGAs those are so-called "process crimes" and don't really count.
TooMuchSun t1_iz8z05m wrote
Why only enforce it on a single company? They obviously don’t care everyone else does it.
TooMuchSun t1_iz8z2ey wrote
It’s not a start for anything. They’re only going after Trump Org.
TooMuchSun t1_iz8zb2f wrote
So does every other major business in the city. Why isn’t the government going after them?
PostureGai t1_iz92das wrote
Can anyone ELI5 why the fine is so small?
becauseicansowhynot t1_iz92dum wrote
How do you know they’re not looking at other companies. Trump name gets the investigation, case and verdict in the news, others happen that we never hear about.
YashinNashi t1_iz95f4r wrote
Because this is't really a major crime. Tax crimes are federal and always a big deal, but this really just amounts to improperly filing taxes. They were convicted of doing it intentionally, so it's fraud, and that adds an extra penalty. But this isn't anything unusual for a large corporation, to be honest.
PostureGai t1_iz96fli wrote
>Because this is't really a major crime
It is though. It's a felony. I would like to know where the amount came from. Is it statutory or is Bragg just going easy on Trump again?
YashinNashi t1_iz97fbb wrote
You asked for an ELI5. Yes, it's statutory. The fraud for a corporation is up to $500,000. The other cbarges added the rest, then there was probably a direct penalty on the amount unreported. Felony doesn't equal major crime, it's just on a larger scale. I was explaining like you were 5 and meant that they didn't do anything extraordinary.
EDIT: Because you are a incapable of an honest discussion and blocked me after taking one last cheap shot. I literally used the words, "a big deal" to describe it. You are being intentionally obtuse. Don't ask questions in a public forum if you don't want people to respond. Good luck with your personal issues.
PostureGai t1_iz989o6 wrote
Yeah man a felony's nbd.
hau5keeping t1_iz9bpxu wrote
> Every major landlord in the city is doing the exact same thing
Lmao ty for admitting this
SanDieganNewYorker t1_iz9c3yu wrote
Money isn’t really the issue, as I see it. This pretty much cancels his chances in 2024. Anyone inclined to vote for him now as opposed to 2020 or 2016 is going to have to take on the even more impossible task of justifying their choice.
SanDieganNewYorker t1_iz9ccfw wrote
I’m not a Trump fan, but I think this is cherry-picking what aspects of the Constitution he wants to cancel — because I agree he does threaten parts — and what parts (e.g. the Second Amendment) he’d defend on behalf of his base, for practical reasons if not philosophical ones.
SanDieganNewYorker t1_iz9cdif wrote
bfume t1_iz9dxls wrote
Oh sweet honey child…
bfume t1_iz9ear0 wrote
felonies are da bomb fam everyone’s doing them lol yolo they cant catch us all finna get my crime on radical awesome
allergat0r t1_iz9hbvu wrote
>I’m not a Trump fan
You're running the risk of sounding like one. Who otherwise would believe for a second that he supports the Second Amendment because he philosophically believes in it? How many times times has he tried to shoot down a different opinion? How much times has he praised authoritarian governments? And how many signs do you need in order to see the dictator in him?
SanDieganNewYorker t1_iz9i66a wrote
I’m willing to take that risk for the sake of (attempted) objectivity. I don’t see things in black and white. My wife, a Trump fan, does. Most of my friends, Biden fans, do.
I’d argue that Trump did some good, even if I do have to hunt for it. It’s equally undeniable that Trump created an existential threat.
I don’t think I’m a fan for seeing the good and bad in someone’s time in office. I’m a realist.
SumyungNam t1_iz9t7t6 wrote
The fine is like a drop in the bucket
TooMuchSun t1_iz9zf89 wrote
Apple, google, Microsoft, Exxon mobile, Amazon, Ford, etc. If you truly and genuinely believe these other companies aren’t committing some sort of fraud, the government doesn’t know about it, then you are out of mind. They are all in every single politician’s pockets. I guarantee you none of this would be happening if Trump never ran for office and became president, because he was in their pockets as well. He even said so during the 2016 election during his debates with Hillary Clinton.
YashinNashi t1_iza5t4i wrote
No, they'll have to pay all the taxes they owed plus the fines.
allergat0r t1_izaqgzk wrote
I think the internet can always use some charity, but not this time, not to this particular person. I'm sure Hitler has done one thing or two positive in his life time too, but I'd be surprised if anyone is equally charitable to him. When the whites and blacks are extremely unbalanced, it is legitimate to be black and white.
SanDieganNewYorker t1_izarglj wrote
I’ll add only that if one does demographic analysis of voters in 2020, I believe Trump increased his vote in every single category over 2016 and even over 2012 for the GOP candidate except for suburban white women, who went hard for Biden. (Seeing as he couldn’t go hard for them.)
I don’t think Hitler had that broad of a demographic appeal.
You can have the last word.
mrturdferguson t1_iz6lkpw wrote
Surprised Pikachu face