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Rottimer t1_izc1dvv wrote

I’m more interested in the city enforcing the rules on those ships that when they’re in port they’re not burning bunker fuel.


139_LENOX t1_izccmwe wrote

For real. These things are posted up off the west side highway spewing fumes for days at a time. Pretty fried how the city prioritizes a quick buck over the health of residents


azspeedbullet t1_izcht4f wrote

> days at a time

from what i notice the ship is only in port from like 7am or so till around 5pm.


bisonrbig t1_izcwuge wrote

This is correct. It's expensive to dock here and they don't stick around longer than they need to. Returning cruises arrive around 6-7am and leave around 4 generally.


Odd-Acanthisitta-546 t1_izd72w5 wrote

i work in hudson yards so i can tell you there is definitely boats there 3-4 days a week & theyre definitely polluting the water lol ive been uhh walking by the pier on my break 😮‍💨 and ive seen fish beaching themselves at low tide too many times to count


139_LENOX t1_izeai17 wrote

I'm talking about pier 94. I work by there and there are cruise ships docked through the evening every day. As we speak there's an enormous MSC ship that has been docked for several days straight.