Puzzleheaded_Okra_21 t1_j0vgs78 wrote
I, for one, don't see any issues with this. Migrants bring prosperity and diversity to our society and are always welcome.
koji00 t1_j0wbtf0 wrote
please post your home address around the Port Authority so they know how they can receive your warm welcome.
pk10534 t1_j0wijoh wrote
That’s just such a reductive and facile take on this whole issue that it borders on disingenuous. It ignores so many other pieces of this crisis - no matter where you fall on immigration. Personally, I’m very pro-immigration. But let’s also be abundantly clear: these are migrants that will need a lot of safety nets and government assistance in order to establish themselves, and many of our cities are already struggling to keep up with the current homelessness crisis.
We need to establish that this is a different demographic set of immigrants from what we’re used to, as well. In the 2000s, we saw a lot of single men coming over to work. This crowd contains vastly more families and young children. So going off of some study from 2009 isn’t going to necessarily present us with the same picture as today, because a 23 year old Mexican man does not require nor have access to the same social services that a Venezuelan mother with 3 children will.
You can be supportive of immigration without being willfully unaware of the challenges presented by 2.5 million border patrol encounters in one year and how blissfully unprepared our social safety net is for that
1600hazenstreet t1_j0vwrln wrote
These are illegal migrants who are exploiting loopholes in current laws. There is a distinction between legal migrants and illegal migrants.
Byron_Thomas t1_j0w9f0m wrote
so texas is busing illegal immigrants to nyc? sounds like they are abetting crime to me then. I don't think you understand how immigration actually works.
Grass8989 t1_j0wlzdv wrote
Go to any other first would country and proclaim that and see if they welcome you in and provide significant social services just because “no human is illegal”
Puzzleheaded_Okra_21 t1_j0w03pg wrote
No human being is illegal. Are you a Drumpf supporter?
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