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BlankVerse OP t1_izjy4ly wrote

Post-pandemic none of the McDonald's near me are 24 hours here in SoCal.


citydudeatnight t1_izk2n7o wrote

Central LA like WEHO and K Town had a few great tacquerias and diners and even Denny's that were 24 hours since they were active hotspots. Let's hope they survived. I dont recall if Jack in the Box or In and Out ever had 24 hour drive thru. I seen them in the strip.


BlankVerse OP t1_izk31u0 wrote

Near me Del Taco and Jack-in-the-Box were always 24/7 until the pandemic.


travelinaj t1_izk35v7 wrote

Omg I tried Jack in the box when u travelled to Dallas it was amazing


DeSterrennacht t1_izmrrmi wrote

The McDonald's near me in NYC isn't 24/7 either. Post-pandemic, there is basically no food available except for a couple of pizza joints after 11 pm in my neighborhood


sutisuc t1_izkhon9 wrote

Yeah but you still win given that you can go to in-n-out. We have to suffer through overpriced inferior shake shack