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[deleted] t1_iznyvfm wrote

Christofascism is terrible for the economy and excuses the crimes of its leaders. Thanks for confirming my point ya dope 👍.


sysyphusishappy t1_izo3hj6 wrote

First of all, what in the fuck is "christofascism" and how is it "terrible for the economy"? You think that maybe shutting down the largest economy on earth by copying an actual fascist regime and printing and spending trillions of dollars was maybe worse for the economy than "christofascism"? Whatever that means?


[deleted] t1_izo5vyp wrote

Look it up if you're so poorly educated! The fact that you are is a result of their policies and is dragging the economy down!


sysyphusishappy t1_izo6gv6 wrote

Lol. Make an insane conspiratorial claim and then just blurt out "look it up" when challenged. You're doing just great!


[deleted] t1_izo6tgn wrote

Projection at its finest. You're doing just great!


sysyphusishappy t1_izo83zt wrote

I see. So claiming, without evidence, that it's really "christofascism" and not shutting down a $23 trillion economy and printing and spending trillions more to cover up for it, is what really destroyed the economy is what exactly? Fact based?

Can you provide me just one data point or source for this claim or are you still just blurting out "look it up!!"?


[deleted] t1_izo8v55 wrote

>Can you provide me just one data point or source for this claim

Can you? All I've heard from you are conservative talking points and deflections whenever you're shown to be wrong. Gish gallop baby!

>So claiming, without evidence

Projection at its finest. QED.