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IRequirePants t1_j1b2wit wrote

> I never said the DCCC covered it, I said his opponent covered i

You haven't shown that though... The only oppo-report is DCCC's, unless you have another?


Evening_Presence_927 t1_j1bbpm5 wrote

As I said before, it’s hard to prove that, because the Zimmerman campaigns complaints were ignored in favor of more crime reporting which played into Santos’ hands.

What oppo there was was covered by small independent news stations


IRequirePants t1_j1bdrqq wrote

>As I said before, it’s hard to prove that, because the Zimmerman campaigns complaints were ignored in favor of more crime reporting which played into Santos’ hands.

This is bullshit and you know it. Campaigns have press releases or statements on their website. This stuff is independent of press coverage.

The oppo presented was about Santos's wealth (which they presented as sketchy but without real evidence of wrongdoing ) and phony charity. Nothing about lying about his ancestry, his employment, or his education.

DCCC and Zimmerman focused more on his anti-abortion views and connection with Trump.


Evening_Presence_927 t1_j1bete0 wrote

> The oppo presented was about Santos's wealth (which they presented as sketchy but without real evidence of wrongdoing ) and phony charity.

But it follows the pattern that he’s exaggerated every part of his life and image.

If the media had done its job, it would have followed up on that by pulling on the thread.

> DCCC and Zimmerman focused more on his anti-abortion views and connection with Trump.

To quote a stupid man, that’s bulls hit and you know it.
