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avon_barksale t1_j1vh2ix wrote

>"We are very disappointed in Congressman-elect Santos. He deceived us and misrepresented his heritage. In public comments and to us personally he previously claimed to be Jewish.
>He has begun his tenure in Congress on a very wrong note. He will not be welcome at any future RJC event."

Carefully worded implying that he will serve in can/will serve in congress.(Not telling him to step down).

Actually a win for Santos.


spoil_of_the_cities t1_j1vzc83 wrote

The RJC doesn't get to override the voters' choice


brownredgreen t1_j1z6zw5 wrote

Was it their choice? They were duped.

The customers in this case, were lied to about the product. Saying the company should recall the product, is not saying customers cant buy it a second time, if they so chose, once they have proper information on it.


Traditional_Way1052 t1_j1vxwt2 wrote

Oh no question, he won. I mean, he got the seat..period. everyone will forget by the time the next election comes round, and he'll have a record to stand on.

It's absolutely insane. If this guy can do it, why not the ancient Greek style...pull names out of a hat.


tinydancer_inurhand t1_j1w5dp9 wrote

Watch him take a DNA test, have 1% Ashkenazi DNA, then double down like Warren when she claimed to be Native American.

Edit: not sure why the downvotes… im not claiming you are Jewish if you have any Jewish DNA. It doesn’t work like that. I was just saying this lying asshole would be one of those to try to claim it.


[deleted] t1_j1wy44i wrote

Jewish law actually defines what makes someone Jewish, so having Ashkenazi DNA alone isn't enough to qualify.


brownredgreen t1_j1z7aol wrote

Well hold on. Jewish Law determines who is Jewish hallukakly (no i cant spell yiddish words)

A Jewish mother, or conversion, is what makes someone religiously Jewish. But plenty of self identified Jews, who live Jewish lives, had a Jewish father, and never formally converted.

Now, Santos can get fucked, he's a liar.

BUT. Who is a Jew? Is not actually a question with a singular answer.


tinydancer_inurhand t1_j1wybml wrote

Oh I know. Just saying I can see him doing this. I have 1.4% but would never identify as Jewish because 1) I def don’t meet the Jewish standard and 2) that would be soooo disingenuous


AnacharsisIV t1_j1xuimu wrote

If that 1% was somehow transferred entirely matrilineally wouldn't he count though?


brownredgreen t1_j1z7evu wrote

Not exactly, a Jewish mother or conversion equals Jewish, from a certain point of view.

But 1% DNA from a Catholic Mother? Not Jewish.