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Evening_Presence_927 t1_j1trk5a wrote

I never moved any goalposts, I simply asked for sources.

Can you show me this data directly from moveBuddha?


shin_datenshi t1_j1u7cul wrote

I provided the source friend. I just googled these things using basic search terms. Go find it if you care, I'd love to hear more or discuss further. If you really can't I'll dig up whatever I clicked on from my history, all good.

The "demand for rentals" is a big line of BS just like everything else our state gets their disgusting greasy fingers on. Haven't noticed yet? Genuinely. The prices doubled in a year, there is no reason like oil racketeering or demand or COVID or the semiconductor crisis or the fact that Suffolk lost everyone's SSN and personal info this year, the Ever Given, all the global conflicts. IS there high demand? absolutely. But it's just being used as an excuse, it does not correlate remotely with the actual (what it should be for any average NY property) and thousands fell for it so they'll keep selling their lie.

add ALL that together and it still doesn't explain why rent in the US is 200% of what it should be across the board and my coffee cost 5 dollars instead of 2. Don't want to believe me? lucky for you. Unfortunately I have to be relatively on the pulse of these industries to make a living so I simply don't have the luxury of ignoring it.

like I said anyway, most importantly it's still December. You can't rely on any of those types of metrics not to be wildly adjusted or re-contextualized after even 1-2 years of hindsight. right now looking at 2021 and 2020 will give you more useful info anyway.

E: also it wasn't just you, i apologize. every single reply had some secondary qualification that wasn't very relevant or required minimal effort to validate without having to make me do it because people are lazy. Normally i make people pay me to deal with this nonsense.

Not like anyone here ever admits when they're wrong so no big deal at all. My property doubled in value this year and I think it's the dumbest thing ever because if anything it's a much worse place to live than the last time taxes and properties were evaluated by far, so anyone can argue that however you please, seriously I want to understand.