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[deleted] t1_j1p70yx wrote



thwoom t1_j1pmcik wrote

Trucks can usually get wet a few times before they need to be replaced, at least three times.


Smellmuhfinger t1_j1pea2n wrote

Serious question. why would he need a new truck?


[deleted] t1_j1pn6u2 wrote



HanzJWermhat t1_j1px0fq wrote



CactusBoyScout t1_j1qbwxv wrote

Yeah every ice storm would destroy every parked car if this was true.

I’ve lived in a place that gets ice storms regularly. You’d find your car covered in thick sheets of ice every time. Just had to scrape it off or wait for it to melt and you were good to go.


HanzJWermhat t1_j1qcbli wrote

Car owners in Montreal during the winter: welp ice just came through guess I need to buy a new car.


gala_apple_1 t1_j1qj6z8 wrote

This situation is a little more severe than just severe weather. Fine water particles are being sprayed almost directly at this truck. It looks more problematic than an ice/snow storm.


JelloDarkness t1_j1q3pox wrote

This seems like one of those "a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous" type of things.

Yes, of course ice expands as it freezes - but why aren't everyone's ice cube trays cracking from all that expansion? Because the ice has somewhere to go (up, in the case of the ice cube trays).

So unless water is getting trapped in a place where it has nowhere to expand, this truck is going to be just fine.


snazztasticmatt t1_j1q9d08 wrote

I'm not sure if this guy is right, but ice cube trays are made for ice and there's plenty of room for expansion. It's very plausible that water at this force for a long enough period of time could get into places in the truck that it shouldn't and cause damage


Troooper0987 t1_j1qdmrr wrote

a car sold in north America not designed to prevent freezing temps would be very stupid . its not like this is flooding the engine, he might have a big ice cube in his bed tho.


snazztasticmatt t1_j1qlda5 wrote

This isn't just freezing temps with precipitation, it's a constant stream of pressurized water


Chaosadhd t1_j1qfmj2 wrote

Cars aren’t designed to be sprayed with water consistently in freezing temperatures. Most likely this car will be totaled.


JelloDarkness t1_j1qjxiv wrote

If water can't escape when it rains, your car is going to have bigger problems than just freezing weather.


snazztasticmatt t1_j1qt8zd wrote

When was the last time it rained from the ground up


JelloDarkness t1_j1r1h36 wrote

Perhaps it's your perception that's the problem here: that water is arcing over and hitting that truck from the side and the top, not from underneath.


Die-Nacht t1_j1q3ld7 wrote

Why would the city pay for that? You assume an amount of risk when you park your car on the street. Unless a city agency purposely opened this hydrant, there is no fault.


dredgedskeleton t1_j1qqugu wrote

yes but fault outweighs risk. if another driver crashes into your car: they pay.

my dad was walking home the train station and his pants got caught of some broken fencing. he wrote a letter to the city with pics, and they sent him $400 for a new suit


Traditional_Way1052 t1_j1qprdi wrote

Now I'm wondering who did it and why?


Die-Nacht t1_j1rc6of wrote

I assumed the hydrant broke from freezing water, or something.


Traditional_Way1052 t1_j1rca1g wrote

Haha I was assuming someone did it on purpose to screw with someone. But yeah the cold is probably more likely.