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Grass8989 t1_j6969uj wrote

By “milking the clock” do you mean “mandatory overtime” because that’s what it is.


devolka t1_j69j2a5 wrote

Yes. That's what I mean. That's got to stop.


ripstep1 t1_j69nvns wrote

So less cops working to the order of 50%?


devolka t1_j69q0a3 wrote

I don't know what that means. I said no overtime. That's what I meant.


koreamax t1_j69v4hs wrote

There's no winning with people like you. Getting rid of overtime means hiring more cops, which I'm sure you wouldn't like either.


devolka t1_j69wy66 wrote

Or it means giving cops less to do.

I like have every answer for you involves more cops. Aren't you paying attention? More cops doesn't reduce crime.


koreamax t1_j69xbo0 wrote

Dude, not everyone who disagrees with you is a bootlicker. Learn how to respond to people. Immediately assuming what I want makes for a bad argument. More cops seemed to reduce crime on subways


devolka t1_j6a6b27 wrote

I didn't didn't bring up bootleggers. You did. I was laughing at how you can't come up with a sutuin that doesn't involve more cops.

Lol. It's weird. You can only come up with one solution and ita the one we know doesn't work. Lol


chug84 t1_j6d8gux wrote

> I didn't didn't bring up bootleggers

He brought up bootlickers, not bootleggers.


devolka t1_j6d9xyx wrote

When did I every mention bootlickers? It's not a term I tend to use.


chug84 t1_j6e9ifz wrote

I was pointing out a typo on your part.


devolka t1_j6eaz8x wrote

Ha. Yeah. It's the tragic combination of not being good at spelling, having fat fingers, and being too lazy to proof read a 40 word message.... lol.