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Filmatic113 t1_j6ak9jb wrote

“Crazy man”, so if you see anyone that you look down on, they’re also crazy? What right wing sub did you come from?


Icecream_Store t1_j6aurre wrote

Might be the fact that they’re screaming and flailing their arms. Not sure though


Spatsnation t1_j6b02mc wrote

what part of screaming and flailing their arms about did you not get?


Filmatic113 t1_j6b0fe0 wrote

That…that bothers you? Let me guess, you read NY post too? Do you deem that person less than you? Are you okay? Leave them alone


iRedditAlreadyyy t1_j6b6znd wrote

“Leave them alone”

Did I say I joined him in screaming and flailing his arms?


sirzoop t1_j6c27al wrote

No the NY post is garbage and fuck the crazy person for harassing him


iRedditAlreadyyy t1_j6b78af wrote

Did I say I looked down on them or did I make the observation that they are crazy? We could keep arguing in bad faith or you can just read what I typed. Your pick.


tyen0 t1_j6doc51 wrote

is "crazy man" on your list of forbidden terms like "homeless"? hah