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Justinontheinternet t1_j2ozc8o wrote

Wtf is $111 going to do for you especially in NYC


George4Mayor86 t1_j2plqn5 wrote

Would you say the same thing if he was robbed on the street instead of defrauded by a company?


Justinontheinternet t1_j2pnsb1 wrote

It’s nyc that happens everyday 🤷‍♂️


Colonel-Cathcart t1_j2qg8g7 wrote

What is your point even? That it's bad that the AG got this money back for people? Braindead take to say they shouldn't care because it's "only" $111


Justinontheinternet t1_j30ro2q wrote

My point is this is posturing. It’s like pretending you’re not getting butt fucked because you have someone else giving you a handy.


kuberlog t1_j2pcy0o wrote

Restore dignity and justice. The greater things in life are not economic.


Justinontheinternet t1_j2pfndc wrote

If all it takes is $111 to restore your dignity and justice. IMHO that’s a pretty low bar.
