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JunahCg t1_j2nyyo5 wrote

Oh nice dude. That shit was rampant with NYSC


national_wildant t1_j2nz8au wrote

Wait how do I get my check, do I have to file a complaint or did they found people retroactively


gabeman OP t1_j2o1aa4 wrote

Note: Here is a link for more info:

>If you meet the eligibility criteria above, you should have received an initial email from EpiqPay on October 12, 2022. This email explained that restitution is being made to New York consumers who had filed a complaint with our office regarding being charged fees by New York Sports Club while its clubs were closed due the Covid-19 pandemic. The email also stated that a second email would follow in which consumers could elect one of three forms of restitution. The second email, received October 13, 2022, requests that you choose either a digital MasterCard, ACH deposit, or a check sent to your home address. If the Settlement Administrator doesn’t receive a response within 30 days, you will receive a check. If you have recently moved, email your current mailing address to the Settlement Administrator at to ensure receipt.
If you didn’t receive either of these emails, first check to see if they were blocked and are in your spam or junk mail folders. The subject matter line reads, “Notice of Restitution from New York Attorney General’s Office”. If you believe you are eligible but cannot locate an email, email the Settlement Administrator at


seejordan3 t1_j2o3un7 wrote

Big fan of Letitia. She walked in Brooklyn Pride, vs most other politicians who waved from limos.


selflessGene t1_j2o7iua wrote

We put too much emphasis on performative identity politics. Walking in Pride doesn't mean much without legislative/executive action.

Focus on political acts of getting bills passed, enforcing laws. This post is great because it's a perfect example of a politician that got shit done.


CravenRavenz t1_j2oasq1 wrote

Fuck Letitia James. She's corrupt as fuck


CactusBoyScout t1_j2odpts wrote

Didn't NYS pass a law during COVID that gyms have to let you cancel online if they take signups online?

That's such a common sense consumer protection.


danhakimi t1_j2olt9d wrote

I initially read that as NSYNC, and thought, "hey, they're pretty good for karaoke purposes."


speedstars t1_j2omtso wrote

First thing I did when the closedown started was to quit NYSC and went on their website to ask them to let me quit. Took a while but I never got charged more. But yes gyms are shady af and I think if possible everyone should just have their little home gym.


doctor_van_n0strand t1_j2oo1b7 wrote

Letitia James’ office scared my landlord into giving me back my security deposit. Thank goodness for dedicated public servants.


chargeorge t1_j2oojm3 wrote

Our family likes her a lot, my wife worked at a low income d75 school that was about to lose most of it's space to a charter during bloombergs big charter push. She helped the community push back against that and preserve a lot of the things like therapy spaces and common spaces that it was supposed to lose.


Guypussy t1_j2orh5u wrote

Bally’s was my NYSC. Took over a year to settle that, with the help of my dad with the same first name who, at the time, lived in another state far enough away from a Bally’s that it really did look like I moved.


_Maxolotl t1_j2owj0l wrote

I had to block payment on my card to the Y during lockdown because they just wouldn't respond to any online or phone attempt to cancel my membership.

I wonder how many other gyms didn't let people cancel. I also wonder how much of it was malice and how much was just negligence due to panic.


ocelotrev t1_j2ox739 wrote

NYSC is the shittiest. They fired all of their staff immediately and then continued to charge customers for memberships... glad to see justice here.


Mr_Stillian t1_j2p5u96 wrote

You got MASSIVELY lucky. Most of us got email responses back in March 2020 saying that they'll address questions once clubs reopen. They didn't stop charging me until I disputed charges with Chase (after some really shitty Chase customer service reps gave me a hard time about doing so for the first month or so).

Fuck NYSC for life, this settlement probably isn't shit for a lot of the people they overcharged. Probably still came out ahead.


RogueStatesman t1_j2pilrs wrote

NYSC is one of the sleaziest operations I’ve come across. I managed to get my accounts canceled only because I had a mutual connection with the owner and got to speak with him on the phone. Even so, after he went and bought TMPL they transferred my membership and started billing me again. Unbelievable. I shut that down with a chargeback that they knew they couldn’t defend.


69Jew420 t1_j2pkgqa wrote

My gym charged me even though they were closed. I called them, they apologized, offered me credit for a month in the future when they opened. They then charged me again. Then I backcharged them with my bank and told them to go fuck themselves.


macbookyerr t1_j2pn50j wrote

She seems to be the only state level politician who does anything


freeradicalx t1_j2pvvr1 wrote

I'm curious why the government always creates entirely new domain names to manage the communication for class action cases, I've seen that practice before and personally it that feels cheap and slapdash when exists. Is it because the AG was a party in the suit so it has to be managed by some other entity?


MaybeImNaked t1_j2qde70 wrote

Unfortunately only 1,900 people get any sort of resolution (the number of people who filed complaints to the AG office). They likely screwed an order of magnitude more people than that (myself included) who get nothing.


thisismynewacct t1_j2qhe9c wrote

So glad I was signed up for NYSC under a PEO. When Covid hit, they paused it and handled everything about cancelling. Never had to deal with this nightmare.


Diflicated t1_j2qhub6 wrote

I couldn't get in touch with NYSC to cancel my membership. The day I was charged I called my bank and disputed it. I cited this class action suit when I called and got my money back. I'm glad people are finally getting theirs back too because that shit was so scummy. I think most gyms automatically froze payments when they had to close, but NYSC just fired all their employees instead.


Duchock t1_j2qjoq3 wrote

Totally read that as NSYNC and was baffled.


PrecipitationInducer t1_j2qngfp wrote

When I first got political literature from her in the mail I was like, “who is this?”. Many years later I can see she is one of the best elected officials NYC has. Bravo, keep it up Letitia!!


nixplix t1_j2r4yur wrote

Geeez, kinda makes never want to stop exercising in the fresh outdoors, or in the comfort of my home.


NYHere1 t1_j2ruvuf wrote

Blink fitness did the same to me!!


hellothere42069 t1_j2rysgr wrote

Ny- application fees are legal. Application deposits are not.

Application fees are paid at the time of application submission and are generally nonrefundable.

An application deposit is also known as a holding deposit. An application deposit is a deposit paid to the landlord by the applicant at time of application to request the landlord hold the rental unit for the applicant until the processing of his application has been completed.


sonofaresiii t1_j2s1qjk wrote

I quit NYSC years ago. I had a locked in lifetime price that they just ignored and charged me whatever they felt like. To cancel, I tried multiple times and they wouldn't agree until I recorded the call and told them I had it recorded that I had canceled. That was the only way to get it done.

NYSC is fucking awful.


spicytoastaficionado t1_j2s8bzd wrote

NYSC went full Leeroy Jenkins during the pandemic.

Kept charging people, including former clients, even after the NYAG told them to knock it off.

Fuck them.


elecktrobunny t1_j2sdzoh wrote

Yep, my husband was working for them at the time - unapologetically fired everyone, shitty communication, then he ended up getting fired again when he was telling someone to wear a mask properly and they had a Karen fit at him.


More_Garlic_ t1_j2tk5gp wrote

I almost joined that gym before I saw the reviews, really glad I didn't join.


tonyrocks922 t1_j671rxp wrote

The government doesn't run those web sites or send out the checks, the company who settled or lost the class action pays through a settlement administrator who collects the entire amount and verifies the proper class members get paid. The settlement administrator creates the websites.