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supermechace t1_j4l4aag wrote

Not sure if you're being serious but I meant a typical American grocery store shopping cart load of food being handed out. Which is much bigger than the foldable laundry or grocery carts you're referring to. Of the food bank ive donated to and watched the food boxes packed for handouts and also observed the line during the initial stage of the pandemic, it would be more of a supplement to your existing groceries, you would have to return multiple times to live entirely on the food bank and the wait is quite long. Bottom line it may be free food but it's not something most people would really want to depend on if they had a choice.


elizabeth-cooper t1_j4l4ytu wrote

SNAP stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

For the millionth time: They are cutting vacant positions and they do not know what those positions are. It literally says that in the article.


supermechace t1_j4lglzc wrote

Ah sorry making assumptions that people saw other news where city employees were quitting causing abnormal vacancies and Adams blocking agencies from filling vacant spots and now trying to make those blocks permanent. Though I am making the assumption that HRA is understaffed. If it is understaffed then I would see impact much like in corporations. But I admit I'm making assumption they are currently understaffed