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AnacharsisIV t1_j68tnr4 wrote

The notion isn't that it's "unhelpful", but less helpful than seeing a therapist in-person. It's kind of like, we want the kids to eat food in school, and serving up a plate of fish sticks isn't unhelpful but it's not as good for them as a balanced salad or something.


lifestyle_deathstyle t1_j68uhga wrote

This is absurd. Telehealth therapy is real and balanced therapy, the benefits don’t go away or become diminished just because it’s done on a screen.

(Edited for clearer communication)


iRedditAlreadyyy t1_j68xjt5 wrote

So I’ll ask again, what am I missing IN PERSON that I’m not getting over an internet call.

I’m asking you to back up your claims with examples.