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trainmaster611 t1_j5ywt3b wrote

Who says they wouldn't be local people? The federal government already employs locally-focused community officials all over the country. They would just have the authority of the federal government.


CaptainKoconut t1_j5yxlhs wrote

I think the other commenter raised a great point - a national transit agency is also susceptible to national politics, and then you risk transit dollars being diverted to where they're not needed. Also, the federal government can't just do whatever the hell it wants where it wants - they still have go through regulations, they might face lawsuits from state and local groups, they still have to contract companies to do the construction.


trainmaster611 t1_j5yz82v wrote

Sure, it's not an end all be all and I'm not even saying I'm on board with the idea necessarily. I'm just taking issue with the idea that it would be a bunch of bureaucrats in a far off place that wouldn't know what's going on.


Historical_Pair3057 t1_j5z22qd wrote

How about just regional transit authorities then? I'd be happy if we just considered the transit need to move around the region.