Submitted by shakhboz11 t3_10kk3kr in nyc
Submitted by shakhboz11 t3_10kk3kr in nyc
really? I thought that they can possibly get it down by 2 points instead of 6
Outside the city, they sometimes knock it down. In the city, never heard of it.
Gotta hope the cop doesn’t show up. There’s no pleaing down tickets in nyc.
how likely is it for them not to show up?
Not likely unless they quit/got fired. But you never know. Sometimes attorneys can work magic tho.
Zero or close to zero. Particularly if it was a camera ticket. If you take a defensive driving class you can remove points from your license after the fact. They won't plead down to A non moving violation in NYC
I hear how some people continue to reschedule court, have the ticket on trial for years until the cop just doesn't show up, does that actually work?
Honestly man just pay the ticket at this point lmao
its not about the money, idc how much I have to pay. I just don't want to carry 6 points, pay the driver assessment shit NYC has, and have my insurance spike up yk.
> defensive driving class
i thought those classes just subtract them from the suspension count, not off your record
I totally forgot about the points, I haven't fucked around in a car in so long lol my bad
I think it's just 4 points from the total, so you can use it to drop out of suspension? You have to take it from an approved vendor though most of them are online and only cost like $25
if i take it as soon as i pay the ticket, can i avoid the driver responsibility assement fee
I had it once downgraded by two points, ie from 32 over to 20+ over, by a lawyer, that was over 10 years ago.
Most of the time it’s either guilty or dismissed in NYC.
People on reddit don’t deserve your apology over a speeding ticket, few of them drive, and most are carelessly run red lights on their bikes/scooters or ride against traffic, jaywalk into moving traffic.
I live in NYC and unfortunately been down this road many times before, so I can confirm with certainty that if it was written by NYPD highway patrol, there is almost no possibility of them dismissing a speeding ticket or cop not showing up. Their sole purpose on planet earth is to write speeding tickets and appear at the TVB to substantiate them.
You could of been Jesus himself, with the holy cross sticking out the back window, if they pegged you for speeding, the cop would still robotically write you a summons and the judge will dutifully uphold it. And there is no plea bargain in NYC traffic court, it’s simply guilty or not guilty.
I wouldn’t bother with a lawyer either, that’s a waste of money in my experience. All they do is postpone the hearing as much as they can, with the hopes that the cop doesn’t show up, which doesn’t work anymore since they are now required to do so.
Barring something tragic happening to the cop preventing him from showing up (unlikely) at the TVB, you’re going to end up having to pay the fine.
what if the cop was just a patrol cop, was on local roads, will that change anything?
U can only reschedule 2 times so thats like 2 years (hopefully) and the next you have to go personally and pay bond if it's only allowed for ur case of course. I did a 90 on a 65 coming down from jersey tho, ny statie pulled me over, had to hire an attorney, he managed to convert it to a non moving violation so 0 points nice but i still ended up spending like $900 for the whole thing. Lesson learned, but here in nyc and boroughs i heard they are more strict and if you show up w/out evidence which ur case dont need one because u fccd up bad then they fcckng guilty you and make u pay a bunch of $ still plus ur suspension fee lol pray up btw was it worth it at least fckng up likw that?
thought they would be more easy on me since its my first offense, tried sucking up to the office but forgot i live in brooklyn
Excusey my ignorance but how do u know they are "required" to show up to court? What are ur sources because i'd also like to know that way i know what i'm dealing with next time i get pulled over
You might stand a better chance if it was a typical NYPD patrol officer, as they are probably less experienced with such specialized violations and in testifying on said violation at court, as a dedicated highway patrol cop.
I never really rolled the dice a patrol cop issued speeding ticket before, however, from what I understand, to be able to issue speeding violations in NYC, the cops must certify that he/she can “visually estimate” a vehicle’s speed of travel and operating a radar/laser measuring device. So if a patrol cop did indeed issued the summon, I assume he had the proper credentials.
I always experienced either guilty or dismissed. This is the first time I've heard it getting downgraded in NYC.
A couple of years ago a few officers got into trouble for fixing tickets for their friends and relatives, since then, it’s mandatory for the issuing cop to show up in court or risk a potential reprimand.
Bro what i learned is that the city needs $, then they are sending all them wolves to make them make $, r.n them wolves been getting and harasing ppl for the most little thing. It's scary out there tbh
Dmnnn, but weird i had a cell phone ticket a couple of years ago and the cop never showed up, so i got dismissed
If you are close to the cutoff, they can argue that the gun might be off by a mile or two if it was not recently inspected, i’m guessing. I didn’t go myself so don’t know what the lawyer said, but hey lowered from 8 to 6 points.
Good for you!
You got extremely lucky, maybe the cop got shot or fired for violating someone’s civil rights or something because they have two chances to NOT show up in court before the judge officially dismisses any summons and even that’s still at their discretion.
Glad you got it knocked down.
BKEDDIE82 t1_j5r48fr wrote
Zero chance of reduction. Dismissed will vary on the mood of the judge and how well the attorney knows him.