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CrumpledForeskin t1_j3hs8cd wrote

Good. Pay them correctly.


BroadwayBully t1_j3i8nnq wrote

Nurses get paid pretty damn well, right? I was under the impression this is mostly about patient to nurse ratios, they want more hires.


Softestsquishy t1_j3idab4 wrote

They staff hospitals bare bones so as a nurse you get patient to nurse ratios that could endanger your license (or worse - precedence recently for criminal charges can be pressed for mistakes). Nurses are in charge of crucial aspects of care that could cause serious health consequences or death.

More than pay I pray for ratio legislation.

Positions for temp nurses are being offered for 500/hour to pay to cover the hospital for the strike (mt Sinai) but they’re too cheap to hire more full time nurses. Some desperate nurses from lower paying states travel here to take those rates. There’s an entire field of nursing for those kinds of contracts.


BroadwayBully t1_j3idua6 wrote

Yeah that makes no sense whatsoever, monte has contract nurses coming in for like $5k a week. It’s crazy.


Softestsquishy t1_j3iec6q wrote


Everything and anything to save the big guys a buck.

Who can blame travelers though for crossing the picket lines?!.


BroadwayBully t1_j3ijaog wrote

Does this even save money? If the strike lasts a month and they pay these inflated wages it must even out eventually.


uguu777 t1_j3jcyag wrote

real answer is probably no in the long term, due to the inevitable failures leading to costly remedies or outright legislative changes (introduction of UHC for example) but corporate governance rarely look past the immediate quarter outcomes

this is why you don't privatize certain industries, private industry is fine in most sectors but health care requires a national plan and scale to operate smoothly (even public systems struggle, but the private version is just warped incentives and broken systems)


[deleted] t1_j3io21n wrote



BroadwayBully t1_j3iooyx wrote

I do t think it’s 30% they’re looking for, they want more nurses hired and they would need to be paid of course. I’m saying, at some point, it would even out. Are they going to pay travelers for 6 months, a year? No, it will be a week so the cost is minimal. A year of paying travelers is like 4 years of paying additional staff. Some are getting 500 an hour, that’s almost 10x rn salary.


_mursenary t1_j3ipchb wrote

As a travel nurse at Mount Sinai, I can absolutely confirm that no travel RN is making $500/hour. The money is good, yes, but certainly nowhere near $500/hour. And yes, they want a 30% raise over 3 years. 10%/year. It will save money in the long run because it won’t last that long. But theoretically, yes, if it did last a long time, which it won’t, it would become more expensive at a certain point. But I do not see that ever happening.


_mursenary t1_j3ipnei wrote

I can also tell you that some travelers at some agencies are being offered only $5-10/hour in addition to their current rate to work the strike. While other travelers have been offered an additional $55/hr, and that is the highest number I have heard.


BroadwayBully t1_j3iqein wrote

You should look elsewhere.. travelers at monte are getting triple what you mentioned.


JustHereForPka t1_j3jevj3 wrote

Desperate? If I could travel out of state for my work and get $500, you bet your ass I’d be there as long as possible working my ass off


FlamboyantPirhanna t1_j3j4m2u wrote

Yeah, my mom is a retired nurse, and she was making 6 figures before she retired. She also mentioned her hospital director was making $800k a year, so it’s pretty clear where a lot of the money they’re “saving” by not hiring more nurses is going.


BroadwayBully t1_j3jff7m wrote

Ya the execs salaries are public, the nurses are certainly aware.


akmalhot t1_j3jtfzy wrote

These executives run Very large hospital systems. 800k to run a hospital systems is not much.

The CEOs of the ones in question here make 4-5 mil


jxf t1_j3jf6e5 wrote

Traveling nurses get competitive wages. Hospital staff often don't, and aren't rewarded for their loyalty.


orchid_9 t1_j3kkqou wrote

I’ve always been curious with the traveling nurses vs staffed nurses. Since travel nurses get paid way more why do they have them for momentarily when you can save money by hiring a full time nurse?


jxf t1_j3lhyrb wrote

The article covered this. In short, hospitals refuse to raise wages for nurses. That's why they're striking.


MysteriousExpert t1_j3lx36g wrote

That is also my understanding. Which is a fairly ridiculous thing to demand by having a strike. There are not large numbers of unemployed nurses around.


BroadwayBully t1_j3mz0oj wrote

Strikes are extreme, but effective. They have agency nurses to fill in, and strike nurses waiting in hotels. I doubt this strike will last long.


PARK_1755 t1_j3iy326 wrote

It’s even worse in Germany… lived there for a few years, their medical workers get treated so terribly by both the state and patients. It’s really sad…


Key-Supermarket-7524 t1_j3j8b6r wrote

Now imagine third world countries

At $4 an hour 5 days a week


PARK_1755 t1_j3j94jg wrote

One of my best friends moved to the US from Nigeria and told me some stories about it… it’s tragic.


TetraCubane t1_j3k9ncq wrote

My wife was making 30k rupees a month in Pakistan as a pharmacist which was about $300 a month back in 2013 while I was making $8k a month for the same job here in the US. (Except she doesn’t have student loans and I have 400k student loans.)


Caribbean_Ed718 t1_j3kjvg5 wrote

Wow! Is going to take you a while to pay off that loan.


TetraCubane t1_j3kp9ae wrote

Nah, should be done in 10 years with PSLF, just had it consolidated.


[deleted] t1_j3is821 wrote



CrumpledForeskin t1_j3isksc wrote

75k a year isn’t a good salary anymore….


[deleted] t1_j3isz9j wrote



CrumpledForeskin t1_j3iuavt wrote

Read the title. It’s not livable in NYC.


mahler9 t1_j3ivctp wrote

Have you ever considered that you could just google the median income in nyc’s neighborhoods and boroughs before saying ridiculous things like that?


CrumpledForeskin t1_j3ivnp8 wrote

Median income and livable proper wages are different. Renting your whole life isn’t livable. Sure you can do it. But are you comfortable knowing that you can lose your home at any point?

I feel bad for folks who are in that position. I’m in that position for now.

Pay people correctly. Not a wage that gets them to and from work.


Amarger86 t1_j3j1m1d wrote

If people didn't blow all their extra disposable income on a new phone every 6 months, 10+ different monthly subscription services, eating out or getting delivery 4-5 nights a week or buying a coffee everyday, etc and saved a good chunk of that money, you'd realize most people actually make plenty of money. But they waste it on stupid stuff instead of saving that money up and buying a home. The average American makes around 40k a year. I make 36k, pay 1200 in rent for my 1 bedroom by myself and still have plenty of money. If someone making nearly twice that isnt considered "livable", then idk what is. If they just saved that difference (30-40k), in 10 years they would be free and clear paid off on a starter home (300-400k).


CrumpledForeskin t1_j3jahx2 wrote

Lol yeah it’s all the new phones and delivery that keep the middle class broke. SMH

More than 1/3rd of your money goes to something you don’t own. The other 3rd to taxes. You’re living paycheck to paycheck and mad at people for using seamless. Wake up.


Amarger86 t1_j3jgice wrote

What "keeps the middle class broke" as you call this is people's inability to properly manage their own finances, unable to live within their means. My examples were just some small items that most people take for granted yet if you actually extrapolate them out over a year and then add up all these tiny luxury expenses, you easily start seeing it adds up to a decent chunk of their yearly income.

A simple example is someone who has to get a coffee at a coffee stand every workday. Let's say you spend $4 a day on this, thats $20 a week or $1000 a year... for coffee. Delivery food, thats another $4 plus tipping thats another $4. So $3000 a year just for those 3 simple things. Now obviously thats just rough numbers assuming someone does that everyday but its meant to drive home a point, people waste their money without realizing it.

People need to take accountability for their own spending habits first before blaming lack of pay. I don't care where in the US you live, if you are making over 50k a year and having trouble getting by, then you need to look at yourself and your decisions first. Debt, kids, any other reasons people use, all are based off decisions you made in the past which you should have thought through the consequences more. If one lives within their means, you never have this issue and you can eventually better your situation through hardwork and sacrifice (ie saving up money instead of taking that trip to the Bahamas for 3k). But all I hear now adays is entitlement and blaming everyone but themselves.


CrumpledForeskin t1_j3jh4wo wrote

When was the last time you went on a vacation? 36k isn’t enough to own a house or put money away to retire. Yet you blame people. 2 people in this country have more money than 25% of the population and you blame me for ordering seamless.

Not everyone wants to sit at home watching anime my man.


Amarger86 t1_j3jlogr wrote

I have over 100k in my 401k and I'm in my mid 30s so retirement is totally fine and well on pace, got 20k in my bank account, bought my car new a couple years back outright so don't have to buy another for over 20 years... all on my 36k a year living by myself since I was 21 (actually less as most of the time I was making 25-30k before COL increases and raises) and its not like I don't spend money, I just am more thoughtful like I rarely eat out and would rather make the same thing at home for half the price. If I was making 50k, I'd easily have enough to own a house within 10 years (with a mortgage obviously which I would pay off early).

Thats great other people value taking vacations that cost chunks of money, thats is THEIR CHOICE how to spend their money but they also had the choice to not go and save it if they really wanted a house. Sometimes in life you can't have both options and whatever choice you make you have to live with. You picked your profession, picked where you live, what you buy, what hobbies you have, whether to have kids or not, everything involving what you make and how you live is all your choice so stop blaming the outcomes of all these on others and start looking at what you can control.


CrumpledForeskin t1_j3jqedo wrote

Making the same wage for more than a decade and your yelling about success. You don’t have a family so you’re able to do all those things. That’s not a fair example of what other people expect out of life. Sitting inside watching cartoons isn’t what folks expect to do or get out of life. You’re an outlier in the data. You’re not the norm. You can’t expect everyone to stay inside in order to live their lives. I’m sorry but it’s not an acceptable example. Good on you for financial independence but most folks can’t live on that. Also not getting a raise in 10-15 years. Wtf?

If you wanted kids and had a stay at home SO who worked part time. 36k wouldn’t cut it. So smugly saying “I don’t use seamless. I stay inside and save my money” is a shit example.


Amarger86 t1_j3juxzr wrote

Now I know you aren't actually reading what I'm writing but just picking and choosing what you want to see as I clearly said that I was making less before col AND RAISES (and youre assuming I've worked at the same place the whole time). You dont even understand basic math and finances as 25k to 36k is a 50% increase in pay yet you think I'm making the same exact money (sometimes you only get like a 25-50 cent raise in a year which only equals $500-1000 a year, welcome to the life of a front line worker, the people which people like you look down on yet act like you are the champion for). Good luck with yourself as I'm tired of saying the same thing over and over and you completely ignoring what I've said. I already addressed everything you just posted and can go back and read for my reply.

Make better choices or live with the consequences.


CrumpledForeskin t1_j3k17e2 wrote

Lol man. Idk what to tell you. You can’t have a family on 36k. That’s the point. That’s what you’re missing. If you wanna have a life where you’re worried all the time and 1/3rd of your money goes to a landlord so be it. Other folks don’t want that. The majority of the country doesn’t want that. They wanna have a family. You can’t have a family in NYC for 36k and not be cutting corners everywhere.

You missed my point. You projected.


Amarger86 t1_j3kh2tp wrote

Thats what I am talking about, I never said anyone could or should afford a family on 36k yet you're assuming I'm saying that, you just keep strawmaning everything I say. Ive just been saying the world owes you nothing and you got to live within your means and make sacrifices in some areas if you want success in others. You portray this idea of a family life you seem entitled to and the world owes it to you but thats not how the world works. You want a home, stay at home SO, kids, then it is on YOU to go EARN a job to support that lifestyle. And if you can't get that job with enough income, then you are going to have to cut corners and sacrifice or change your plans, whether you like it or not. Hence why I brought up the coffee example, if you're lifestyle (whatever it may be) is not meeting your income (strapped for cash) your lifestyle is the problem, especially since we were originally talking about people making 60-70k which I don't care where youre at, a small family could easily live off of that and not live pay check to pay check. And for some odd reason you need more cash, we'll I guess the SO will need to make a sacrifice and get a job too.


CrumpledForeskin t1_j3lz14p wrote

Dude I make enough to have the life I want. I worked hard to get it. Im beyond just barley 6 figures.

I’m advocating that people be paid more. 75k is not enough for a family of 4 to live in NYC and own anything. Go on a vacation once a year and eventually leave the city. It’s a miserable lifestyle that leaves you at the whims of too many problems. You say “that’s life suck it up” I say “people should be paid more so they’re not living hand to mouth.”

I feel bad about the way you look at humanity. But you sit at home watching cartoons thinking everyone else spends too much on their phones. I forget….you don’t live in the real world. You live in propagandatown. Everyone’s broke because of seamless and not wealth inequality. Right.

Anyway. Enjoy being pigeonholed by your own fantasies.

I used to make what you made. I made that wage for year and years. I know that life. No going away with friends. No ability to randomly purchase a gift for an SO cause you don’t have the money. One medical bill and you’re fucked. I was there. Now it’s my yearly bonus. I know both worlds and one causes you stress and death in early age. I don’t want that for my fellow citizens. One day when you may too. It involves getting involved with society though and not letting it pass you by while yelling at others for enjoying literally the bare enjoyments their wage allows.


[deleted] t1_j3kloxo wrote



Amarger86 t1_j3kn22k wrote

Go search Zillow, they're there. I never said anything about it being an amazing house, youll have to fix it up or have a longer commute or not the best area.


No-Equipment2607 t1_j3iuh5b wrote

That's odd how am I living then with zero debt 🤔


CrumpledForeskin t1_j3iutja wrote

You leave the country ever? Travel? Own your apartment/house? Kids college paid for? Got 50k in savings in case you have a medical emergency and can’t work for a year? At the very least a Rainy day fund of 3 months salary? Retirement saved for? Able to enjoy yourself?


[deleted] t1_j3iv61g wrote



CrumpledForeskin t1_j3iv9jt wrote

50k in savings doesn’t make you elite?


slickrick4232 t1_j3ix9kz wrote

Median savings is around $6k for all ages. You’re acting elite right now


CrumpledForeskin t1_j3jcb4j wrote

I can’t believe the pushback I’m getting for folks to be paid more. Not everyone wants to sit at home with no kids and do nothing.


slickrick4232 t1_j3jfizt wrote

I don’t understand how those two things relate


CrumpledForeskin t1_j3jhgzk wrote

Paying people a wage where they’re not living hand to mouth and can actually own property wasnt a crazy idea 30 years ago. Now it is. You claim that’s being elite. I claim that as being normal. Feel bad for you a bit.


CrumpledForeskin t1_j3ivsn9 wrote

Also. No kids being the large factor. If you wanted kids you couldn’t do that on 75k a year. You’re not taking them on vacations multiple times of the year. Can’t force that on others.

I also doubt you own a home with zero help. If you do good for you. But you can get a home in NYC on 75k a year.


AtlantaGangBangGuys t1_j3iw9xq wrote

Not in NYC. Net $50k. So $4k a month? My brothers rent for a 1 bedroom is $4k in Brooklyn


Key-Supermarket-7524 t1_j3j83es wrote

Travel nurses make bank, specialist also take how alot, plus 4 days off? That's some high level priveledge, let also talk about certain social benefits


akmalhot t1_j3jt547 wrote

Didn't they offer them 18% pay increases, increases staffing, and fully funded lifetime healthcare ?


thrwy18383747 t1_j3jr0ky wrote

Nurses make a lot of money so do you have any proof that they arent
