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Hrekires t1_j3na3t2 wrote

Which hospitals aren't affected?


lkroa t1_j3nk1oe wrote

while all hospitals will technically be affected, the two striking hospitals are Mount Sinai (the main location) and Montefiore (Moses, Weiler, and Hutch campuses)


ICantThinkOfANameBud t1_j3r6imm wrote

Public hospitals like Bellevue will not be affected according to my mother who is a nurse at Bellevue


lkroa t1_j3ttmp0 wrote

i mean to some extent, any hospital near one or the striking hospitals will be affected. bellevue is pretty far from monte and mount sinai, so they probably won’t feel anything. public hospital nurses can’t strike by law, so i think that’s more of what your mom meant, by public hospitals not being affected

however jacobi and north central bronx are right by montefiore and given montefiore is on diversion, they are likely seeing higher volume since ambulances aren’t going to montefiore.

lenox hill is opening their makeshift units from the height of covid to accommodate increased volume of patients from mount sinai’s strike. (i know lenox hill isn’t a public hospital)


Spunge14 t1_j3nnhgv wrote

Edit: removing wrong info here - see person below me


dfigiel1 t1_j3ou18g wrote

Langone is unionized but isn’t NYSNA. Their nurses are 1199.