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DonConnection t1_j4o6isu wrote

My Korean mother-in-law only goes to H-Mart if there's sales. She complains that it's too expensive otherwise. She usually goes to those smaller independent Asian groceries like you mentioned. She did go to the new one that opened in Astoria often when they had their grand opening sales though.


Unusual-Solid3435 t1_j4qba5a wrote

Someone is downvoting everything anti-H-mart in this thread. Let me reiterate, DO NOT GO TO H MART. THERE ARE PLENTY OF SMALL BUSINESSES THAT HAVE BETTER SELECTION AND BETTER PRICING


panzerxiii t1_j4qcszd wrote

You can go to multiple places, you know. Certain markets are better for certain things. It's not some grand revelation that you've uncovered.