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chargeorge t1_j5n81uw wrote

That’s the 1 at 168th, a few stops south of here.

The pictures of that station from when it opened had these huge chandeliers. Very cool.

They hung from the circle in the ceiling here


Own_Decision_4063 t1_j5n94z4 wrote

Yes! I remember that station with the lights and little bridges when we had to disembark from the A train and get off at this stop. It was so strange at the time and reminded me of Phomtom of the Opera. Then the old fashioned elevator with the gate and person operating it. Very cool since lived in NYC all my life and never knew.


Own_Decision_4063 t1_j5nabjm wrote

Was added to the National register of historical places, not surprising. They should have keep those original lights though, it was like a step back in time. (Although I do remember the station being pretty dark given it that errie feel).


chargeorge t1_j5nafse wrote

Yea I didn’t realize they had refurbished it. It looks brighter and cleaner and a little bit soulless. It did have some creepy vibes though.