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Rawesome t1_j5yslmq wrote

Who's the Solar Developer for this project?


CactusBoyScout t1_j5z910t wrote

They could do a lot for the environment by making AirTrain free so fewer people are inclined to take cabs. 🤷‍♂️


b1argg t1_j5zmod0 wrote

$11/ person makes a car a lot more attractive for 2-3 people. Where I live, a cab to JFK is roughly $40 give or take. An extra $10 each for the extra convenience and comfort of a cab for 2 people becomes an attractive option.


CactusBoyScout t1_j5zmpl4 wrote

If you’re traveling with multiple people, like a family, it’s a pretty marginal price difference to take a car because you’re spending $10 per person otherwise.

I know quite a few families who tell me they opt for a car primarily for that reason.


hamm3rofgod t1_j5znyvj wrote

Maybe this is too new but expected some jFk gOIng wOkE responses.


Rottimer t1_j63ng30 wrote

Honestly, I think it’s more convenience than cost at the current price point. From most areas of the city it really is far faster to take a cab or even an airport shuttle from midtown than navigate the subway with luggage. It’s not an easy transfer if you are carrying multiple checked bags, and if you’re traveling for business, your company is probably paying for the cab anyway.

If there were multiple points in the city where you could essentially get an express option to the air train and there was an easy transfer between - you’d have a lot more people using it.