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NetQuarterLatte t1_j5xikam wrote

Why doesn’t the city hire those migrants to build their own shelters?

Maybe someone will correct me, but I believe it’s not illegal if they are hired as independent contractors.

Edit: it’s legal to hire an independent contractor, but the contractor doing the work may be violating the immigration laws and suffer negative immigration consequences because of that.


Scroticus- t1_j5yc6r6 wrote

It's illegal to employ people who do not have work authorization.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j5yf4un wrote

If they work for their own LLC company, who them offer services, does that violate any law?


cum-chatka t1_j5ygxg3 wrote

You can’t conduct business without a proper visa


NetQuarterLatte t1_j5yjt17 wrote

Got it. That would be a problem for the individual running afoul the immigration laws.


1600hazenstreet t1_j5yiewu wrote

Don’t forget to pay them union wages, even though they are not part of the union.


Comprehensive_Heat25 t1_j606ens wrote

I’m trying to figure out what you’re bitter about. Making a decent wage? Union workers not making enough money? Elaborate…


1600hazenstreet t1_j60hxij wrote

Are you familiar with prevailing wages requirements? The city can’t just hire these folks at minimum wage.