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George4Mayor86 t1_j5ygpca wrote

There are two main things we have to do:

1: build housing. Yes it will take a few years, but this is a long-term problem. There’s no solution to housing a growing population other than building more homes.

2: defund the nonprofit sector. The city has abandoned its role in service provision and outsourced it to nonprofits, which are wildly inefficient and prone to corruption. We pay an average of 5k a month per bed to the shelters. We have the money to provide excellent social services, we just waste it.


senteroa t1_j5yzer0 wrote

You're missing the biggest thing, which is that the city needs to force landlords to rent the 100,000 rent stabilized apartments which they're having sit empty. And if they don't comply, the units will be taken over by the state.

This is what Barcelona did just a couple years ago to great effect.