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mgundert87 t1_j6ivw2z wrote

I wonder how long till we see plates written in frickin Klingon.


Kozzzman t1_j6iy4m3 wrote

You need a new hobby, my dude.


WhitbyRoadSoldier t1_j6iy52k wrote

I walk past a police precinct on the way to work most mornings and the amount of damaged license plates (bent, numbers/letters filed, etc.) is curiously high on that block


queensnyatty t1_j6iyzws wrote

NYC needs to cut labor costs, I have an idea …


HelllllloooooPerson t1_j6j1lq1 wrote

I frankly dont get the obsession of some people over this stuff. Unpopular Opinion Im sure. Look we all get un-spoken perks to our jobs, city workers MAKE SHIT wages. These infractions really dont hinder me at all.


i4ndy t1_j6j3r0e wrote

Nah, don't call NYPD city employees. Leave us city employees out of it.


Twigglesnix t1_j6j420x wrote

thank you for documenting this. Citizens must hold government accountable for corruption.


AgainstMedicalAdvice t1_j6j6q9i wrote

Speeding endangers you, and tolls pay for your municipal services in place of taxes.

Would you be upset if you found out that 20% of police commit tax fraud?

I don't understand this mindset that just because someone is not literally removing your wallet from your pocket and taking money out of it- nothing bad is happening.


organizim t1_j6j7hsr wrote

I reported every single one except the last


TwoDamnedHi t1_j6jbxwc wrote

Meh. Fuck tolls and red light cameras.


AgainstMedicalAdvice t1_j6jfv10 wrote

You are literally failing to see the macro side.

1 person doing these things is a non-issue. On an individual level all these things are benign.

On a macro scale things like dodging speed cameras/ tolls, subway fare jumping, parking illegally, leaving shopping carts out, shoplifting, etc.... Are bad for society.

You live in NYC dude. 1 "it doesn't really matter it's nothing" x 8,000,000 people turns into a big deal real fast. The fact that only 5% of people are immoral enough to do it just means it's manageable....

Social pressures that move that 5% to 4% are good, and enabling behavior that pushes that 5% to 6% is bad.


sahmadeit t1_j6jhctc wrote

Don’t blame them, imagine having to pay $6.55 to cross a bridge to get into a borough in the SAME city (bx to qns). Toll Bridges were meant to be temporary but now, it’s permanent. Where does all this money go?


macaroniking69 t1_j6jioig wrote

Serious question - can we clean up a license plate like this if we see one?


-Handsome-Jim- t1_j6jv6rn wrote

> I frankly dont get the obsession of some people over this stuff

Reddit hates cops. That's pretty much all it amounts to.

I mean I don't think they should be doing it but constantly having pictures of cops breaking a very minor traffic law on the front page of this sub just seems childish. This sub wouldn't care at all if they had any other occupation.


Bubbly_Yak4159 t1_j6jz2uk wrote

Not surprise. Now you know why 311 doesn’t handle stuff pertaining to this so quickly or at all. Wish they can put the department and job titles to who ever owns those cars. THAT would be interesting to see.


_aware t1_j6k0ll0 wrote

>I mean I don't think they should be doing it but constantly having pictures of cops breaking a very minor traffic law on the front page of this sub just seems childish. This sub wouldn't care at all if they had any other occupation.

It's a very minor crime until one of these fuckers hits and kills a pedestrian before running off. Keep licking those boots.

Law enforcers intentionally breaking the law with impunity. Of course it's worse than some other guy breaking the same law.


DoubleBlanket t1_j6k0wjm wrote

Just another perk of the job, bro.

God people like this is so fucking annoying. They don’t not care enough to move on with their day. They don’t care so much that they have to come in these posts and tell other people they’re weird because they care too much.


DoubleBlanket t1_j6k1t2w wrote



Yes. People who are in charge of enforcing the law violating the law with systemic impunity is inherently worse.

That’s like saying, “Plenty of people don’t wash their hands. You only care that this guy didn’t wash his hands because he’s a surgeon.”

Yeah, absolutely. The context of what a person’s responsibilities are make how we evaluate them different from other people with different responsibilities. If you don’t want the responsibilities no one’s forcing you to do the job.


-Handsome-Jim- t1_j6k2mv0 wrote

That's an awful analogy even for this sub.

A surgeon going into surgery without sanitizing creates an insane amount of risk that has absolutely nothing to do with a cop obstructing their license plate. Sure, I'd care if my surgeon didn't wash his hands going into surgery but I couldn't care less if he didn't wash his hands going into just about anything else.


SolutionRelative4586 t1_j6k36p0 wrote

> I frankly dont get the obsession of some people over this stuff.

Probably because:

  1. it is dangerous. People drive like assholes and kill other people and then can't be found and detained.

  2. It demonstrates contempt for the law and the citizens you serve. If you don't want to serve citizens, great. Don't be a public servant for your job. No one is asking these assholes to be public servants.


SolutionRelative4586 t1_j6k3dh9 wrote

Why does he need a new hobby? Clarify your comment. Your hobbies include losing NFL teams and something called the "Learman Twins" lmao. You're the one who needs a new hobby no offense.

Ghost cars are a real and unfortunately deadly issue in NYC.


DoubleBlanket t1_j6k43ax wrote

Dude, police should not be allowed use their own discretion to police themselves. That should be obvious.

How would you feel if IRS agents didn’t pay taxes because other IRS agents didn’t enforce consequences against them?

You can’t see how impunity from the law (a) creates a culture in which police feel they can do whatever they want, and (b) why that justifiably upsets people?

Like, what exactly do you think it is people hate about cops? Or are you one of those guys who think people only hate because they’re #jealoushaters?


_aware t1_j6k5ava wrote

You are downplaying the severity of this evidently widespread issue for the cops. So yes, that sure fits the definition of bootlicking.

People are harping on it because no action is being taken to punish law enforcers who are intentionally breaking the very laws they are suppose to enforce.


-Handsome-Jim- t1_j6k5znk wrote

I'm not down playing the severity.

It's a minor traffic violation. Heck, it's so common place that you might even do it yourself. You're just throwing a temper tantrum because you don't like cops. That's all.


_aware t1_j6k7o2n wrote

Do you know what downplaying means? It hinders the identification of vehicles in hit and runs. It also hinders the identification of vehicles that run red lights. So it's not just a minor traffic violation.

Nice strawman. I like cops that do their jobs. In my very limited encounters with NYPD, their officers had been professionals and treated me well.


-Handsome-Jim- t1_j6k8gel wrote

Yes, I do know what downplaying means. Do you?

We're talking about them obstructing their license plate. That's an extremely minor traffic violation. That's not downplaying it. It's an accurate summation of exactly what it is.

I mean what do you think the punishment is for someone who doesn't have an occupation you hate who obstructs their license plate? Execution? Life in prison?


sahmadeit t1_j6k9t3s wrote

I’m in more of a sense for everybody, city officials or regular civilians. Where are the improvements in transportation and roads in general? Van wyck has been under construction since I was born, Bronx river has potholes bigger than someone of our anus’s, MTA trains are a piece of shit and gets worse as time goes by. Where are the improvements? I’ve been to other democrat cities and seen tax dollars at work. Take CA for an example, granted it’s huge in size and population but, seeing a “your tax dollars at work” at a construction site is calming for a regular citizen. Their work of improved roads sells itself. You can lick the government balls all you want, you’re livelihood is a paycheck to them. I can get downvoted all I want I could give 2 shits, if you truly lived in New York for your entire life, you’d know how slow improvements have been. This is coming from someone that’s in support of law enforcement and comes from a family of law enforcement just in case someone starts generalizing.


sahmadeit t1_j6kaatd wrote

I’m aware you ride a bike which is hella convenient for the environment but for people who don’t work in the city and need to drive out. Justify paying $12.55 (both way tolls) on top of gas everyday + maintenance to keep your job. Not everyone can be eco-friendly because not everyone got the same privilege as everyone else.


Zoidberg-thuggin t1_j6kexxd wrote

What a big fat fucking strawman of an argument. Everybody includes your family, cops, who are also civilians (supposedly). The audacity you have to ask for us to give them a break when everyone else has to pay is offensive.


Belikekermit t1_j6kzwzp wrote

No different than mopeds/scooters riding on sidewalks, cyclists not giving 2 fucks about red lights, pedestrians crossing the street midblock not even looking up from their phones. Everyone on the road is looking out for themselves, some are willing to take more risks than others, and yes this shit is a perk of the job for NYPD/FDNY.


SolutionRelative4586 t1_j6l0je2 wrote

Are you referring to the wimps that are afraid to have a license plate? Or the bootlickers that defend them?

Lmao at you simping for two soft 5's on that sub.

Amazing to talk to Small Dick Energy personified.

Ghost cars kill people unfortunately.


TeamMisha t1_j6l1i21 wrote

These things add up on the macro scale. Just one person at LIRR accrued nearly $500 thousand of fraudulent overtime pay in one year. That is one person. The MTA estimated last year it loses almost $50 million a year on toll fraud. That's money that has to come from somewhere. It all adds up.


TeamMisha t1_j6l1t5k wrote

Red light cams reduce speeding, a good thing, and I figure if I gotta pay my taxes for roads I don't even drive on then folks gotta pay the tolls. Just one of those things a functioning adult should do I figure as a responsible citizen.


TeamMisha t1_j6l24kg wrote

For MTA operated bridges and tunnels it funds their operational budget. The Operating budget is what keeps the lights on, the trains and buses running, the bridges in stable condition, and the staff employed. 12% of the MTA is funded by tolls. You can read more about it here:

12% is significant considering just twice that amount is what they get from fare revenue. To not toll the crossings would be a disaster.


SSumair t1_j6l71fe wrote

Are you naturally that dense or willfully ignorant?

Let me break it down for you slowman. The point of a vehicle license plate is to identify the vehicle. When a lowlife probably like yourself conceals the plate from identification, if by definition becomes a “Ghost Car.” Obscured plate or fake, it’s all the same.

LMAO 🤣 🙄


sahmadeit t1_j6l8kn9 wrote

Reading is fundamental and I strongly urge you to read the first sentence. Seriously, it’ll do you rounds of favor. ROUNDS. I included everyone that breathes and walk and identifies as a human being. No need to read in between some line that doesn’t exist.


sahmadeit t1_j6l96ra wrote

Where did I tell them to break the law? How about some more economical pricing for daily commuters? An efficient route? Removal of unnecessary fees just because you were short of 50 cents? Where did I mention anything about driving into the city? When tolls exist within borough to borough. If you live in the east Bronx, you’re not driving through the city tolls to go to Long Island. You’re going through RFK or Whitestone. Not everything revolves around the city as a whole. Long Island city and Staten Island still exists if you’ve resided in nyc fair enough to know. You’re picking and choosing what you want to argue about.Introduce better/economical practices = less evasion. Everyone downvoting has no sense of logical arguments, just “YOU’RE SO WRONG”, no counterarguments, no sense of understanding a fairground.


sahmadeit t1_j6la225 wrote

I hear you, 12% is reported in the books but who knows what the actual number REALLY is? There’s multiple instances of fraud within the MTA system.

Here’s something to entertain your brain

There’s more to everything. Always is when taxpayer money is involved.


SSumair t1_j6lbh2d wrote

I honestly don’t care who evades tolls or speeding/red light tickets but it would be divine to able identify the degenerate that hits my car or relative, then potentially flees the scene.

Cops or city workers are not angels ordained by God, they are regular people working for a paycheck, same as the next guy. As such, they are not above breaking the law, such hitting someone and running from responsibility, especially if they think they can get away with it due to their incognito license plate info. Their lack of good character evident by their attempt at avoiding tolls/tickets sort of supports this assumption.


TeamMisha t1_j6lqyay wrote

I don't believe labor inefficiency is a reason to ignore blatant crime. Accountability is a separate issue for another thread. If you argument is well the MTA commits fraud itself therefore stealing from the tolls is justified, gonna have to disagree on that 1


thecentury t1_j6m5vee wrote

There's plenty of plaque pics in there but your 1st vehicle has a dash loaded with patches and an NYPD baseball cap. That doesn't mean shit, that's all store bought crap. Usually that's someone who considers themselves "pro law enforcement" and hopes that helps them swat they discretion of the ticket writer to not write them.

Trust me, no cop has an FD patch on their dash.


FlamingLobster t1_j6m7cy0 wrote

Some of this folk are not the brightest of the bunch. They have several violations of the same type and same place, over and over again. Some paid 1.5k in fines. These are the people who "protect and serve"


Silo-Joe t1_j6mxtlp wrote

The obscured, out-of-state Florida plate in the album is the worst.


thecentury t1_j6n1u98 wrote

>You are downplaying the severity of this evidently widespread issue for the cops.

Widespread? I'd really like to know your definition of the term widespread when speaking of the NYPD. There's 40,000 employees in the NYPD. If this is so widespread you're telling me.... I don't know.... 25,000 NYPD employees are out there blocking plates, running red lights, and breaking vehicle traffic law?

Do realize the daily shit show the roads would be if this were true?

Or in reality, maybe a few hundred or so are doing stupid shit like this. 200 out of 40,000 total employees, or 0 .5%. In reality 1/2 of 1% of the NYPD are acting like assholes. (I guess 0.5% to you is widespread)


DistantStorm-X t1_j6n5hkg wrote

God this fucking shit disgusts me. It should be fair game to fuck with these cars in some way, like bomb them with eggs, or those super annoying stickers DOT slaps on windows when a car gets booted.

Nothing permanent damage-wise, but most of the time I feel like the only thing that successfully counteracts asshole behavior is an equivalent amount of something equally assholish. Pretty sure that’s one of the fundamental laws of physics.


ComplexKodak t1_j6n8ack wrote

Wait, this is genius. Print replicas of these plate numbers and sneak multiple copies on the cars of working New Yorkers. Like 50 copies of each. They'll get dozens of tickets and tolls per day.


sagenumen t1_j6n8zqp wrote

Did I accuse you of telling them to break the law? No, I didn't, but they are breaking the law and you're trying to justify it.

There are inter-borough routes without tolls. There is also public transit. They may not like the choices, but they're there.

There are solutions that don't amount to everyone else subsidizing car ownership for people who decide they shouldn't have to pay because they're special.

The convenient route is either worth a few bucks or it's not. I don't know why that's everyone else's problem.


donutcronut t1_j6ni0l6 wrote

Serious question: How can people report these plates?


Belikekermit t1_j6nsrs7 wrote

Whether you like it or not, it is perceived as a perk by them and they certainly use it as such.

If both are bad let's see more outrage about cyclists blowing red lights and not getting tickets. My point is NYPD is not enforcing anything.


Logan_San_x23 t1_j6nvaj0 wrote

Was almost ran over by an off duty cop who sped thru all reds until he stopped by the local precinct to pull up besides his buddies for a “chat” . I made sure to call him an asshole who can’t drive as I rode by on my bike . Obey the law folks !


RobinsonDickinson t1_j6owjt5 wrote

Funny, I drive with no front and rear plates. And you bet your ass I am not pulling over for no NY🐷D or NYSP.

Good luck catching my M4 Comp.


Sickpup831 t1_j6oyo7l wrote

That’s a good question. A monthly pass on the lirr is like 400 a month. And then unless you live in walking distance of Penn or Atlantic terminal, the monthly metro card is 127. So does driving with free parking cost more than 527 a month?


TeamMisha t1_j6pfuqc wrote

I'd argue it is a bit different, having ghost/defaced plates allows you to do a lethal hit and run. While bikes are not plated and you could hit and run too, contextually one has a much much higher chance of killing you then the other. I rather take my chances with a 100 lb girl on an e-scooter then a 3,000 lb suburban with tinted windows coming from Long Island... but that's just me