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Darth_JarJar300 t1_j6iy3up wrote

Yep. I parked in a No Parking zone one time, and the idiot cop who wrote me a ticket marked it as No Standing. Case dismissed.


InfernalTest t1_j6jxvf4 wrote

well sometimes not so much an idiot

a lot of cops dont like writing tickets - a lot write tickets because they are commanded to write - so sometimes i have found they will fuck the ticket up -

its always advised that you fight your ticket and you will find often that the time ( AM instead of PM ) or color or year or even a letter is not clearly written on the ticket or even the charge is wrong -( like your ticket that said no standing but really it was for no parking )

the ticket is a charging document and EACH fact has to be correct ( especially for moving violations like seatbelts or redlight or speeding tickets ) for you to be charged and found guilty ...

its just distressing to see some people in this city think that people AUGHT to get tickets as a matter of course of living in the city- this is clearly the wrong attitude to have about the purposes of summonses. the punishment of the citizenry should not be a revenue stream for the city to try to make as much as possible off of - it just results in a toxic regard to following the rules to where people will then be more concerned with avoiding following the rules rather than why they should abide by them in the first place.


Darth_JarJar300 t1_j6kem7v wrote

People who park illegally AUGHT to get tickets 100%. Those no parking and no standing signs are there for a reason, and it's bad enough that the city settles for a set amount with UPS and FedEx instead of sticking them with the whole bill.

I 100% deserved a ticket, and people who do shit like that deserve them too.