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devolka t1_j693arj wrote

They count on you being too busy to fight it. Is there a single way the police don't suck?


gh234ip t1_j696qfx wrote

The summons says that they were parked IN Front Of 252 W73 and there is a hydrant right there. They claim they were parked on the corner. 252 is in the middle of the block


Marlsfarp t1_j69d09w wrote

Now this is an important news story.


mowotlarx t1_j69e277 wrote

The back end of the car is in the crosswalk. They'd get a ticket either way. Kudos to the Post for only bothering to write about traffic enforcement when NYPD bothers to enforce.


InfernalTest t1_j69lvdo wrote

for the back end to realy COUNT as being in the "cross walk" it has to actually have the rear wheels in the cross walk space ... otherwise it doesnt count - it occurs in traffic court all the time -

you wouldnt know it unless you actually have to fight it

plus the ticket has to be for the violation thats actually stated - so even if she was in the crosswalk - the ticket is for a hydrant -

as a result its the ticket is invalid since the fact that there isnt a hydrant there means the actual facts of the violation are incorrect.


LouisSeize OP t1_j69pgep wrote

Here's a comment on the Post website:

>R. Vincent Bows >2 hours ago

>The photo shows her car parked on Riverside Drive at the corner of w 73rd Street. The summons states that she was parked at a location nearly two blocks away on W 73rd street between West End Ave. and Broadway.


TeamMisha t1_j6a66pj wrote

Pretty interesting and sounds like a big oversight of the law. Tires are kind of irrelevant I mean if your whole ass trunk is blocking part of the crosswalk, that seems like an obstruction to me lol, thanks for the insight.


ctannr t1_j6atqds wrote

she was parked in front of the hydrant and then moved it for this photo op to try and weasel out of a ticket. she's dumb enough to not even realize the car in the picture is still illegally parked....


InstructionNo3616 t1_j6d1prr wrote

It’s like when my car got towed and I thought it had been stolen. Had no idea why it was told then I got to the corner of the street and the no parking sign had been knocked to the ground.

Came back a month later and the sign was still on the ground.


spring_ways t1_j6hr8l4 wrote

Her picture shows her parked on Riverside drive. So either she is lying about where she was parked or the cop wrote the wrong address and doesn’t know what a hydrant looks like.


InfernalTest t1_j6jxvf4 wrote

well sometimes not so much an idiot

a lot of cops dont like writing tickets - a lot write tickets because they are commanded to write - so sometimes i have found they will fuck the ticket up -

its always advised that you fight your ticket and you will find often that the time ( AM instead of PM ) or color or year or even a letter is not clearly written on the ticket or even the charge is wrong -( like your ticket that said no standing but really it was for no parking )

the ticket is a charging document and EACH fact has to be correct ( especially for moving violations like seatbelts or redlight or speeding tickets ) for you to be charged and found guilty ...

its just distressing to see some people in this city think that people AUGHT to get tickets as a matter of course of living in the city- this is clearly the wrong attitude to have about the purposes of summonses. the punishment of the citizenry should not be a revenue stream for the city to try to make as much as possible off of - it just results in a toxic regard to following the rules to where people will then be more concerned with avoiding following the rules rather than why they should abide by them in the first place.


Darth_JarJar300 t1_j6kem7v wrote

People who park illegally AUGHT to get tickets 100%. Those no parking and no standing signs are there for a reason, and it's bad enough that the city settles for a set amount with UPS and FedEx instead of sticking them with the whole bill.

I 100% deserved a ticket, and people who do shit like that deserve them too.


grandzu t1_j6ljwiz wrote

I got a ticket like that, with an address that's not the location and the judge upheld it saying there's no way to prove I wasn't parked there.
It's an old trick.