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iRedditAlreadyyy t1_j5ggd1k wrote

I’ve gone a few times over the years and it’s always so much fun to watch and celebrate.


Sulohland t1_j5gvpwp wrote

Big points for the guy in the mask. Nonetheless a beautiful celebration


jjvvllxx t1_j5h1pwa wrote



Drag0nus1 t1_j5h1vhe wrote

Amazing, love it returning to it's vibrance.... hopefully more like this post new years


kevohuevo t1_j5h9rei wrote

Is this a weeklong celebration like I remember they did in Shanghai? I’m out of town and bummed If I missed this.


techyrexy t1_j5ht2jc wrote

Those firecrackers were amazing! Wish I would've gotten my hands on one of those dragon puppets but everywhere sold out. Amazing performances though!


Sad-Principle3781 t1_j5ht9mv wrote

Do asian people still live in manhattan Chinatown anymore? Any new immigrants? Every year it seems more tourists and mainstream


lambsarecuteee t1_j5hxem7 wrote

February 4 will be super Saturday. More lion dance associations will be out in Chinatown, from Brooklyn, queens and SI. Please come and join the fun.


mindlkaciv t1_j5hy2sb wrote

There is an observer in this picture.


Rob_T_Firefly t1_j5i6zpl wrote

You're thinking of Manhattan's Little Italy which is basically the Epcot tourist-trap version of Italian these days.

Manhattan's Chinatown is still firmly Chinese because the Chinese-American community own their buildings and aren't selling them out to tourist traps. Meanwhile, there's a steady stream of new Chinese immigrants settling there who keep the place populated.

Here's a good article about it.


VeilstoneMyth t1_j5i7aye wrote

Happy New Year! While I don't have a drop of Chinese ancestory, I've always had so much fun at Chinese New Year celebrations. Especially this year, it truly felt like things were back to normal. 🐇❤️💛🧧


Sad-Principle3781 t1_j5ig9y3 wrote

I mean that article is from 2015. Yea, I heard that new immigrants are arriving, but the place is way more disneyland than ten years ago from both the types of stores and the kind of people visiting. Also COVID must've done a number on the neighborhood.


Eros_Addictus t1_j5imm9v wrote

I really wanted to go but i don't wanna be in the petri dish lol maybe next year.


zo3foxx t1_j5jl0xu wrote

Damn. I missed it. Was just do damn rainy yesterday I was down in the dumps. Need to mark my calendar for next year


Brooklyntyger t1_j5js5se wrote

Traditionally, the day of new years is quiet. It's been getting busier due to tourist. Can't complain about that. "Super Saturday" is the day all the teams arrange to come out to go store to store to bring good luck and stuff. I think it's specifically a NYC thing.


sash-singing-sasher t1_j5jvpqi wrote

Could someone explain the way the lunar new year celebrations work in NYC a bit? I saw that there's supposed to be a on Lunar New Year's parade on Feb. 12? Is that bigger or smaller than the celebrations on actual Lunar New Year? Or is there another event/date that is considered the big Lunar New Year celebration in the city?


Pure-Arm-4474 t1_j5kj86z wrote

I can’t wait to move to NYC, there’s so much going on


lambsarecuteee t1_j5ladj6 wrote

It’s boring, you stand behind the barricade and just watch the floats and people standing/walking. Because it’s a parade, they will block off lots of streets, making it a true hassel to get from one side to the other ie, the restaurants is literally across from you but you can’t cross there cause of the parade, so you need to walk parallel to the parade till you can cross that street then walk backwards. 2/4 is where all the interactions at. They block the streets to prevent cars entering, us human can roam freely.


NKtDpt4x t1_j5m9pdl wrote

This is a great sight to see but also makes me nostalgic for years growing up in Chinatown and nearly blowing my hands off several times every year when they closed off Mott St and it was a free for all of fireworks. We used to light fuses with chinese incense.