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flightwaves OP t1_j6eaq77 wrote

>Transit officials said just 33,000 people used the Wi-Fi on buses during an average day. That’s about 2% of the 1.4 million bus riders the agency records per weekday.
MTA officials estimated the cut to Wi-Fi service on buses will save the agency $3.3 million every year.

It's nice to see them cost cutting for once. Lets tackle overtime abuse next shall we?


chale122 t1_j6f6rdz wrote

they're cost cutting to get more overtime


Korona123 t1_j6fvalj wrote

Seems like a big feature to cut for only 3 mil savings..


RyuNoKami t1_j6frwjs wrote

That's mta buses cutting wifi. Over time abuse is at the long island railroad. Good luck getting rid of amnenties over there.


damnatio_memoriae t1_j6l6bn7 wrote

OT abuse definitely happens with MTA. There was a group of MTA employees a few years ago who literally setup a man cave with couches, TV, video games, and beer in some hidden back room in one of the stations and they would go there and hangout while charging OT.


Blue387 t1_j6giorn wrote

I was one of those folks, taking the B63 bus here in Brooklyn. The B63 takes a long time from downtown Brooklyn to Bay Ridge and you also get lots of double parked cars and trucks. That bus wifi has been very good for checking emails and Reddit, etc.


scruffywarhorse t1_j6j11r9 wrote

It’s such bs. They need to cut costs, not services. They get 1.4 million bus riders per day That’s 3.85 daily revenue. So by cutting amenities on the bus and alienating foreign travelers. They are saving less than the amount they make in 1 day. though I think they exaggerated the hell out of their Wi-Fi bill.

They should just charge 8 dollars for it like they do on the airplane.


pton12 t1_j6ent5f wrote

But how else will the unhoused people who use the bus system as their shelter be able to catch up on their podcasts? /s
