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Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_j5zf6oi wrote

> One trustee allegedly told him, “I probably shouldn’t say this, the vote was very very close, but some people said that they were just more comfortable with Marek [Tyszkiewicz]. They should probably do some introspection as to why that is.” 

> Chu, who is gay, said he mentioned his husband throughout the interview, and he believes that made the board members “uncomfortable.” 

this is the quote in question, I think. not really as cut and dried as it's being presented. I wonder if the deliberations were recorded?


AsaKurai t1_j62d7mq wrote

You could reasonably assume that, but it would be hard to prove in court unless someone said it verbatim that him having a husband was uncomfortable for them


Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_j63hajr wrote

yeah, that's what I was thinking. "more comfortable" is pretty ambiguous, and could be interpreted as referring to the years of work experience