knockatize t1_j5daajn wrote
Not his fault that previous administrations overpromised, but ain’t no way in hell that gets passed without union negotiations.
Dwagner6 t1_j5dbell wrote
Hudson Yards received something like $6 billion in public subsidies. I’m alright with some better than average benefits for retired city workers.
miltonfriedman2028 t1_j5dcg97 wrote
That’s completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
Just because one bad thing happened (and its arguable if subsidies are even bad), doesn’t mean we should allow a seperate unrelated bad thing to happen.
Dwagner6 t1_j5dcv43 wrote
I don’t think it’s a bad thing that retired city workers are enjoying nice benefits. I’d rather they get tax payer subsidies than some vacant, soulless parking lot for obscene wealth.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j5ddnlc wrote
It seems like there is some fuzzy math here. While there is no doubt Hudson Yards got some benefits. Half the 6 billion was the cost if the 7 line extension. That is something that should of happened one way or another. It's not fair to say the cost of a subway extension is a subsidy to a large building project.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j5de6qg wrote
It makes no sense that city workers don't go on Medicare like every other American. It's unaffordable to fund retirees Healthcare when there is a good federal system. I have read 20% of the city budget goes towards retire costs. Then ask yourself why city infrastructure and many other programs are underfunded.
mowotlarx t1_j5dh4c3 wrote
Medicare Advantage isn't Medicare.
mak1028summet t1_j5diwmw wrote
Many of the city workers accepted Lower pay for their entire career so getting god benefits above others somewhat justifies the lower Salary
bittoxic00 t1_j5diwyv wrote
Always downvotes, always people screaming that ‘they earned it and it can’t be changed’. No one sees reduced services or higher taxes as a result of keeping these the same
hortence1234 t1_j5dtg72 wrote
That's what the union and city negotiated at the time. Retired workers earned it and deserve it
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j5e2kw0 wrote
I did not say Medicare advantage. I said why does NYC pay for retirees Healthcare at all. Almost every other American relies on Medicare in retirement. If it's good enough for every other American why is it not good enough for workers in NYC.
Paying for Healthcare for city in retirement cost the city I bet costs at least 10% of the NYC budget and there is zero reason for it.
Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j5ecqnj wrote
It’s actually 5%
harlemtechie t1_j5edr2o wrote
It's about keeping contacts. We really do have other stupid ish we can do away with than their benefits.
danroman79 t1_j5ej0s3 wrote
Because it was negotiated and earned by these workers, period.
Myotherside t1_j5enyoj wrote
People waste time trying to argue why someone else should have less, without ever stopping to ask if we all deserve basic human dignities like medical care or retirement
Junk-trash t1_j5eph0r wrote
Lol milton fucking friedman
bittoxic00 t1_j5es3dx wrote
When it’s my turn to retire and the system is entirely bankrupted instead of just given a haircut I’ll remember at least the boomers never had to make a small sacrifice
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j5esk4k wrote
Ugh yes I get that and it's unaffordable. The city needs to take a stand and stop this wasteful and unaffordable practice in contract negotiations. Everyone complains how expensive things are and then wonder how could this be. Why is the infrastructure crumbling? Because money that should be used for infrastructure or additional teachers or cops is used to pay a good portion of its budget for something that would be provided by the feds. It's stupid.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j5esu1r wrote
OMG some people parrot the same lines over and over again without critical thought or reading. I am not proposing the workers don't have Healthcare. I am proposing they just have the same government funded Healthcare that is good enough and every other American in the country.
Why does NYC have to pay for lifetime Healthcare when a the federal government will pay the bill.
PuzzleheadedWalrus71 t1_j5fcfe7 wrote
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe retirees do go on Medicare at 65, and the city pays the 20% that Medicare doesn't cover.
wheely-overhead t1_j5fl5dn wrote
One should not play with the unions like this. History teaches why.
drpvn t1_j5fpm3k wrote
> During a contentious Council Labor Committee hearing earlier this month, Adams administration officials said that if the Council does not adopt the 12-126-tweaking bill by Jan. 26, they would move ahead with the drastic option of eliminating all health insurance options for retirees besides Medicare Advantage
jumbod666 t1_j5g4ey3 wrote
Problem is the money has to come from somewhere. Budget needs to be cut. City padded the last few years with Covid money.
harlemtechie t1_j5gejc3 wrote
We gotta fight for ours but we WILL FIGHT
[deleted] t1_j5gfoys wrote
bittoxic00 t1_j5gh7o0 wrote
Can you please start fighting the government to properly fund these pensions as well then
harlemtechie t1_j5gho65 wrote
Yeah, I think it's time for a bipartisan protest bc it appears voters from both sides worry about this and Americans, we protest differently
danroman79 t1_j5h04bh wrote
This was negotiated with concessions from the union side. To now come in and take that away is ridiculous. The same deal would t have been reached if the employees knew this benefit was bullshit.
Lose-lose situation for city workers.
Not the city worker’s fault the city didn’t budget their money correctly.
These pensions are well-funded. Most pensions are at or close to 100% funded. The notable exception is the fire department and police department, which are about 40-60% funded, and that’s only because of the unexpected number of 9/11-related disability claims in recent years, and even those pensions are getting better in terms of their funding.
This was solely about rising healthcare costs, not the pensions themselves. Retirees were in a lose-lose situation here - it was either allow the city to increase the amount retirees pay for healthcare, or they would eliminate all but the Medicare Advantage plan for retirees. This bill is dead, so Adams will stop offering other healthcare plans.
This certainly wasn’t a ‘win’ for retirees.
pokemin49 t1_j5in8ef wrote
Someone has to do the hard work of negotiating down these absurd benefits. I'm glad Adams isn't kicking the can like everyone else.
wheely-overhead t1_j5lsnle wrote
Ok, no garbage pickup city wide all next summer. Enjoy!
kj001313 t1_j5nq3yl wrote
Let him try, would be great if every city employee went on strike.
wheely-overhead t1_j5opujf wrote
Workers gave their lives to their jobs, at lower than market salary, many for 30+ years, investing in their pensions over that time... and you think Adams should ROB them of their money?
You are obviously a corporate stooge. Vile, disgusting and VERY likely a criminal. Betting you're a "conservative."
pokemin49 t1_j5ovhzz wrote
Then they should pay the market rate for labor. Pensions should be illegal. They are a way for dishonest politicians to make promises that they themselves won't have to deliver.
If you haven't checked Adams has a (D) by his name. You can blame your failed Democrat leadership for the state of the city.
wheely-overhead t1_j5pkadr wrote
That is a ridiculous argument. For city employees, both the salary and pensions come from the same place. Tax dollars... so your solution is self nullifying.
Clearly you have a personal agenda and no idea what you are talking about.
pokemin49 t1_j5qoid2 wrote
Pensions are ponzi schemes. So is social security. They are conceptually unethical.
wheely-overhead t1_j5qtcdf wrote
Now I know you have no idea what you are talking about. Bet you lost hard on crypto (the real ponzi schemes).
Unethical is trying to rob people of their long invested in and earned entitlements. The GOP has been trying to rob people of their money for 50 years. There isn't a republican alive who understands fiscal responsibility worth a damn... it's just another empty card in their non-existent platform.
Those who cannot see that are either enemies of the USA, or morons.
pokemin49 t1_j5rbk2m wrote
Look at the what we conservatives did for the post office. They tried to pull the same shady stunt with pensions. Now we've forced them to pay for retirements as they go, so thirty years from now they won't hold the government hostage demanding a bailout.
This is what fiscal responsibility looks like. It's hard choices, and a lot of people not getting what they want.
wheely-overhead t1_j5rksqu wrote
Again, you're exceedingly ill-informed and positively reek of personal agenda (lacking common sense).
I'm done being bored with you.
miltonfriedman2028 t1_j5da09d wrote
I know this won’t be popular here- but retired city workers have absurd benefits in many cases. Newer workers have more reasonable contracts, but it’s kind of ridiculous how much of our city’s taxes that older and retired workers drain.