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[deleted] t1_j497c2f wrote

Eric Adams never found a problem that can’t be solved with a little first class travel and a photo op.

Literally the entire problem is that migrants are being shipped from where he is to the city he’s mayor of. Could have gone to one of the city facilities that these people are living in but hey. Have a good long weekend, champ!


Jacques-Tits t1_j49et0s wrote

Very surprising especially with his track record of partying. Seems right up his alley to swing by one of these city ‘facilities’


[deleted] t1_j49gt9n wrote

lol, love laundering a FOX News article through msn dot com


LostSoulNothing t1_j49va2d wrote

And it's not even a news article. It's from Laura Ingraham's far-right, white nationalist adjacent, opinion show


Jacques-Tits t1_j49gym0 wrote

love laundering a $300/night nyc hotel as a “city facility”


LostSoulNothing t1_j49vhxn wrote

Just think how mad you'd be if that were actually true...I am amused that the outrage number of the week is $300/night. A month or so again The Post was claiming the same hotel was charging $700/nt but I guess that was so outlandish no one believed it