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DJBabyB0kCh0y t1_j552mkk wrote

It's a purple district. A special election is an almost certain win for Dems, flipping a seat in a very close house. No way Santos leaves on his own and very little chance he is forced in the next two years.


Drag0nus1 t1_j56d7kp wrote

I'm in his fucking district and it was a tight race... You are correct it will flip blue if he leaves.


tinydancer_inurhand t1_j55r1vu wrote

If this were a solid red district republicans would have kicked him out weeks ago.


thinkmatt t1_j55t3fe wrote

Why? When have they held anyone on their team to any kind of standard? I'll take serious answers. Republicans actually gave this guy committee seats


EdgeOrnery6679 t1_j56u5q9 wrote

Because they would have easily replaced him with another Republican that's not controversial. If New York was a swing state, Democrats would have left Cuomo alone instead of making him resign to easily replace him with another Democrat.


DJBabyB0kCh0y t1_j56ek1z wrote

We're talking about the Nassau County republican party. Theyve called for his resignation, probably knowing it won't happen. But they were pretty aggressive. The RNC which he is now beholden to is far different.