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ECK-2188 t1_j4dlkox wrote

Please don’t be one of those people


booboolurker t1_j4e8emd wrote

I am a germaphobe so I am absolutely not one of those people


ECK-2188 t1_j4e8u4j wrote

As an Asian-American, ☝🏼 this gives me faith in this city.

Bless your heart.


booboolurker t1_j4e9l72 wrote

I’m Asian too but I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not by saying “bless your heart”

Anyway, if you have an instagram, there’s an account dedicated to “stooping” which is where people post pictures of furniture left on the street for people to pick up. It’s called @stoopingnyc


ECK-2188 t1_j4e9rk3 wrote

No /s at all my sister

🫰🏼you already know


Edwunclerthe3rd t1_j4g3j5g wrote

Yeah fuck reusing perfectly usable furniture. It's not like it takes only a few minutes to disinfect shit


ECK-2188 t1_j4g4gno wrote

You can do whatever you want homie. It’s a free country.

Just don’t complain later on when you don’t use germicide or proper antiseptics and then those body warmth feeding vampires start nipping at your scrotum.

I’m sure you’re going to monologue why you think this is not the case for everyone but I’ll spare you frustration and tell you I don’t care.


Edwunclerthe3rd t1_j4g71uq wrote

A lot of different situations in NYC so yeah use your head and Make sure it's clean, but there's people who throw out perfectly good stuff that doesn't need to be in a landfill and might save someone some money