I'm an artist that makes some of the weirder paintings you might have seen. My solo art show opens tonight right next to Brooklyn bridge park
Submitted by twothangs t3_127vgi4
Submitted by twothangs t3_127vgi4
Submitted by mission17 t3_101r613
Submitted by MidnightCh1cken t3_127az8u
Submitted by ER301 t3_zy7t5a
Submitted by Keikobad t3_125oi3t
Submitted by brooklynlad t3_yfxdod
Submitted by esporx t3_10x1gs4
Submitted by Grass8989 t3_11npp8p
Submitted by zzzaddy t3_ytp9es
Submitted by ThrowRAanyways2 t3_113v25m
Submitted by mowotlarx t3_zl490p
Submitted by drpvn t3_10rqiep
Submitted by nobrakes1975 t3_11sadc4
Submitted by mowotlarx t3_zy995k
Submitted by ethnt t3_ysgtqu