Submitted by richarizard t3_11uq4j9
Submitted by Nscience t3_11r3jgb
Submitted by ep2992 t3_zf26tk
Submitted by nobrakes1975 t3_11i91n8
Submitted by thesheepie123 t3_ybx79y
Submitted by Souperplex t3_z69xu7
Submitted by ar1680 t3_10xxslw
Submitted by k1lk1 t3_z4f45f
Submitted by JunkratOW t3_xtz5dp
In 2019 nyc voted to use congestion pricing to reduce carbon emissions. Three years it’s not implemented but at least the case study required by the National Environmental Protection Act is done…. 4007 pages.
Submitted by tickleMyBigPoop t3_11x8m6c
Submitted by squidneyboi t3_125sp6u
Submitted by smallint t3_za8kn7
Submitted by majozaur t3_yvyumm
Submitted by sassbayc t3_zly3mc
Submitted by aintmadatcha t3_10jdm1p
Submitted by Xaro t3_y2kmi0
Submitted by OpinionPoop t3_11qngmc
Submitted by HomosapienDrugs t3_109f1c3
Spray painted message on 42nd St near the Chinese consulate protesting the COVID lockdown and the apartment building fire deaths in Urumqi.
Submitted by Silo-Joe t3_z9s9hq
Submitted by latuya_ t3_ya37k1
Submitted by ER301 t3_ym05o5