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KReddit934 t1_jacfp3e wrote

Figure out the insurance first.

Then start living on your salary only today (well, March 1st). Rework your budget now so that their entire check is going into savings. Also add the 100 (ask around for estimate) a month line item for diaper costs into this new trial run budget...which also goes into savings until needed.

By making the adjustment to budget now, it will remove a lot of the stress during that sleep deprived "4th trimester"


newwjusef OP t1_jad00na wrote

Makes sense, that’s helpful. Once challenge is that my comp has changed significantly y/y (this year alone the growth from 22 to 23 will be over 2x their entire pay). So we don’t really budget.. but probably should start.


KReddit934 t1_jad0jph wrote

It's a good idea for every income level to budget. 🙂