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jgomez916 t1_jadv4wt wrote


28 year old female here. Supporting 2 adults off a W2 job that pays $75K in most major US cities is hard. Rents are $2K to $3K. Buying real estate when one perosn make only $75K and the other is self employed and only making $10K to $30K ( below $15 Minimum wage in some states) will likely not be possible.

28-year-old female here. Supporting 2 adults off a W2 job that pays $75K in most major US cities is hard. Rents are $2K to $3K. Buying real estate when one perosn make only $75K and the other is self-employed and only making $10K to $30K ( below $15 Minimum wage in some states) will likely not be possible.

I am Mexican and my hubby is Mexican too and he (28) has worked since he was 14 years old. From 14-19 he worked in the central valley fields of CA picking food and he has never expressed being tired of working even now as an Engineer in the corporate grind so it sounds like you really have a strong desire to be self-employed and work toward a better work-life balance. I have been working since 16 (housecleaning and retail until age 22) then for the government since then.

I would advise against buying anything if you want to grow your side projects into a business. 27 is young you have a good nest egg to follow your dreams. You can buy real estate at any point in time. The older you get the harder it becomes to follow your dream although still possible.