Submitted by jeremy_92 t3_11e689n in personalfinance

Hey everyone,

This morning, there was a weird charge from OnlyFans London on my debit card for $100. I'm in the states, have never been on OnlyFans, and I never use my debit card except at ATMs. My expenses are always put on credit cards. Other than raising a dispute and canceling my card, is there anything else I should do? I'm trying to figure out how my card info got out, and I'm coming up empty.

I don't have high hopes of getting my money back since it was on my debit card. Any advice on how to handle that?




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retroPencil t1_jacnph6 wrote

I always lock my debit cards until I need it at the ATM. Mobile apps make it super easy to lock and unlock within seconds.


Werewolfdad t1_jacnr9u wrote

>Other than raising a dispute and canceling my card, is there anything else I should do?


>I'm trying to figure out how my card info got out, and I'm coming up empty.

You won't. I've had fraud on cards that had never left the envelope they came in.

>I don't have high hopes of getting my money back since it was on my debit card.

Why? Debit cards have Reg E protections.

>Any advice on how to handle that?

You'll be refunded so don't fret


DeluxeXL t1_jacntzb wrote

Dispute with your bank. They'll cancel the card for you in the process. Lock the new card.

Fraud prevention tip: Keep your debit card locked on your bank app unless you're actively using it at an ATM.


jeremy_92 OP t1_jacpa9h wrote

Thanks! My bank cancelled the card and is sending a new one. They said it could take 10 days for the dispute to go through.

I have the bank’s card defend app which is how I found out about the transaction. I should have had it locked, but I figured it was safe since the card never leave the house and is kept in my safe.


jeremy_92 OP t1_jacpjt3 wrote

My bank has this, and I will be using it from now on. They also have a feature where the card can only be used if it’s near your cellphone. I didn’t know such things existed!


burner46 t1_jad30sw wrote

They’re not hard. They just take a little more time than a credit card.

The biggest issue with fraudulent debit card charges is the money comes out of your checking account, so you could be without the funds for up to 45 days while the fraud is investigated (Regulation E). With a credit card it’s just a line item on your statement and never touches your actual money. Always good to have a buffer between your method of payment and your bank account if possible.


ct-yankee t1_jaeer3h wrote

You'll get your money back, to process just takes a bit of time and it stinks because it is your bank acct that was depleted. It just takes some time.

Once you file a dispute and say why your bank is going to issue you a new card.