Submitted by t3_11e89o3 in personalfinance

Any suggestions on which tax preparation software to use? We usually used my Mother-In-Laws HR Block on their computer but have moved away.

Things to consider for our situation:

We sold our old house and purchased a new one.

We installed a heat pump that has a tax rebate attached to it.

Combined we made around $140k this year.



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t1_jacqlco wrote

Freetaxusa is essentially always the answer


t1_jacyaeb wrote

FreeTaxUSA is it for sure - $14.95 to file, as easy as TurboTax at a fraction of the price (and without the shitty government lobbying)


t1_jacwhng wrote

TaxSlayer and TurboTax self-guided programs are always super easy but beware because both companies have been accused of selling data to 3rd parties like credit card companies.

I've actually never heard anything good about HR Block.

Depends on your situation but is always helpful.

If your situation is more complicated you may need to look into hiring a CPA.


t1_jad1dvc wrote

This really depends on personal preference with their interface. For example I like Free File Fillable Forms because it's just like completing the official forms and I prefer the privacy policy (the IRS restricts what companies in the Free File program can do), but other people prefer to be asked questions and have the software generate form entries. You can expect that any software would support your situation.